Page 19 - The Scoop Newsletter February 2023
P. 19

D D S   S C O O P   /   F E B R U A R Y   2 0 2 3

       The Team got together to wish Chief Information Officer (CIO) Jeff Smith farewell. Jeff retired
     January 31 with 30 years of State Service. He and his wife Virginia plan on spending as much time
       as possible in Florida.  The event was sponsored by the IT Division, and Laurie Owens and Rene
      Alonso planned a great event.  Many people assisted with their donations and elbow grease.  All
             the hard work was appreciated!  Jeff was presented a State Flag and a sketch of DDS
                                         Headquarters signed by Team DDS.

      Now the IT Division is in the capable hands of Interim Director Renee Alonso and Interim Deputy
               Director Delmar Whittington. Congratulations on your new roles and good luck!
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