Page 3 - The Scoop Newsletter February 2023
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Commissioner Moore recently joined other members of AAMVA’s Executive Committee and
staff at the second Global DMV Summit last week in Brussels, Belgium. The event brought
together representatives from AAMVA, EReg, and Austroads for key discussions on shared
topics including mobile driver licenses (mDL), vehicle identification, technology, and data.
About 40 people gathered for the summit to discuss shared priorities, challenges, and
lessons learned. Key conclusions and areas of next steps included collaboration to support
the international exchange of the encrypted keys for mDL interoperability; the opportunity
to work better together to prevent the unintended exporting of unsafe vehicles; and interest
in exploring how current technology can better operationalize long-standing international
licensing reciprocity agreements. A summary document outlining the meeting’s discussions
and intended next steps will be published by AAMVA in the next few weeks. In the
meantime, listen to this AAMVAcast episode with Commissioner Moore and Kristina
Boardman, Administrator of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, highlighting what
was learned and experienced at the summit.