Page 4 - The Scoop Newsletter February 2023
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D D S S C O O P / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3
Uniting Through Kindness, It All Starts with One Act!!!
Can you imagine a world where kindness is the norm? Acts of kindness can make the world a
happier place for everyone. They may also encourage others to repeat the good deeds they've
experienced themselves – contributing to a more positive community.
That’s the world we want, and it requires some intentional actions.
Human Resources ….Challenges…… YOU…… to ……..Perform an Act(s) of Kindness during the
months of February, May and August 2023.
An act of kindness is deliberately attempting to brighten someone else’s day by doing
something kind for no specific reason.
Month long initiative during the following months: February, May, and August
Open for Team or Individual participation, not mandatory
The acts may be performed by a team effort or by an individual on the team.
Documentation will outline the following – see attached template.
What was the action?
Who was affected?
How did this make the “giver” feel?
You may submit the documentation to the HR Department
All submissions will be honored as the goal is to encourage kindness regardless of how big
or small the act.
Action cannot endanger anyone, yourself, or others.
Action cannot be illegal, immoral, or unethical.
Action cannot interfere with daily job responsibilities and DDS policies.