Page 7 - The Scoop Newsletter February 2023
P. 7

D D S   S C O O P   / F E B R U A R Y   2 0 2 3

                                                  As if he was telepathic, Majid Safai, Senior Programmer Analyst
                                                  with DDS/IT, sent this invitation for breakfast to his colleagues
                                                 on February 1st. While he didn't know he was participating in the
                                                  Agency Act of Kindness Campaign, it was a true example. Those
                                                   of us who interact with Majid know that his is how he lives his
                                                                          life...with kindness.

                                                   "Today is the first day of Black History Month, an educational
                                                  event worthy of observing.

                                                  Learning about black history and the many contributions made
                                                  by Black men and women that previously went unnoticed or
                                                  unacknowledged is a very important first step in understanding
                                                  and success.

                                                  To quote the extraordinary Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, “You don’t
                                                  have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step”.

                                                  I feel very lucky that our team is made up of exceptional people
                                                  from all around the world. I value this team as you would a
                                                  Persian Rug, the value of which rises with each colorful additional
                                                  knot woven into a single inch of the finished piece. Together we
                                                  created a very tight weave of talented people from many
                                                  continents. Your constant input into this DDS journey adds
                                                  immense value to each project’s final product.

                                                  Your first, tenth, even 50th step begins with the sharing of your
                                                  ideas, solutions, and thoughts. I encourage you to be fearless in
                                                  your willingness to speak up, share your ideas, offer possible
                                                  solutions. This job is a team effort, so, thank you for being an
                                                  important part of this team.

                                                  I am happy for the opportunity to break bread with my DDS team
                                                  to celebrate our diversity and, one more time, Black History
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