Page 12 - The Scoop Newsletter February 2023
P. 12

D D S   S C O O P   /   F E B R U A R Y   2 0 2 3

     A goal of DDS is to create study tools to aid commercial driver applicants. The most dreaded
     and failed portion of the exam is the Pre-Trip Inspection.  A major project has been to film a

     new Meet The Truck video.  Allison Butler, Assistant Manager, Gainesville; Crystal Howard,
     Assistant Manager, Brunswick; and Chris Mumpower, Regulatory Compliance, were filmed
     preforming the Pre-Trip expectation.  We expect this video to be a valuable tool for our CDL
     applicants. It was a Team effort to get this accomplished! Thanks to everyone who contributed
     to its success.  The video is being edited now so stay tuned for the premier of Meet The Truck!
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