Page 10 - The Scoop February 2021
P. 10
We Wear Blue
Human Trafficking
On Tuesday, January 26, our Human Trafficking Coordinator,
Melisa Mims partnered with the Covington Area Alumnae
Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated and
members of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
(CJCC) Human Trafficking State Task Force Members to
present, On the Road to End Human Trafficking. The
purpose of this workshop was to educate the community
on the signs, resources and tools available to help end the
world’s second largest criminal billion-dollar enterprise.
As of today, the workshop has been viewed over 2,000
times. Commissioner Spencer Moore extended greetings
on behalf of the Department of Driver Services.
Melisa Mims discussed the correlation between commercial
transportation and human trafficking. Melba Moore, Program
Director of The Salvation Army -Haven Atlanta discussed the resources they offered and the
importance of healing after trafficking. Michelle Smith, Human Trafficking Compliance Officer, Sexual
Assault-Human Trafficking-Child Abuse Unit Criminal Justice Coordinating Council discussed the
financial assistance the Council provides for agencies throughout the state. The Honorable Judge
Cheveda McCamy, Superior Court Alcovy Judicial Circuit Newton and Walton Counties discussed
laws and legislation surrounding Human Trafficking. DeBaja J. Coleman, M. ED., Director of Victim and
Volunteer Services for The Department of Juvenile Justice discussed the importance of having open
communication with our youth and staying aware of their social media presence.
After the panel presented, they answered a variety questions surround the topic. The workshop
ended with inspirational words from the Covington Area Alumnae Chapter reminding the viewers of
the Human Trafficking Hotline and to say something if they see something because it takes everyone
to help end this movement.
H HB 823
Click on the image above to hear the latest DDS Podcast
featuring Melisa Mims.