Page 11 - The Scoop February 2021
P. 11


         We Wear Blue

      The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's
      (DHS) Blue Campaign is the largest one-day
      awareness initiative of the year, in which
      the public is encouraged to wear blue - the
      international color of human trafficking

      awareness - and post photos of themselves,
      family, friends and co-workers, on social media
      with the hashtag #WeWearBlue.

      On January 11, the Department of Driver
      Services Executive Staff as well as employees
      dressed in blue to raise awareness to help end
      the Human Trafficking movement.

                                                                        Combating Human Trafficking
                                                                              Leading Indicators
                                                       Licensing Counter
                                                       - Seeking to obtain an ID in a different name and or age
                                                       - Have a lack of knowledge of their whereabouts
                                                       - Not in control of their ID/Passport
                                                       - Exhibit peculiar behavior
                                                       - Do not have the required documents and express frustration and
                                                       - Tell a story that just doesn’t add up
                                                       - Show signs of branding or trafficker’s name
                                                       - Acknowledge having a pimp and /or controller (“boyfriend”)

                                                       Truck Stop, Rest Stop or Welcome Centers
                                                       - Individuals seeking to engage in commercial sex
                                                       - Individuals going car to car or truck to truck selling perfumes,
                                                         magazine subscriptions or other types of wares
                                                       - RVs or passenger vehicles parked by trucks
                                                       - A vehicle dropping someone off at a truck and then picking
                                                       him/her up 15-20 minutes later
                                                       - Any acknowledgement of a pimp or making a quota
                                                       - Any outward signs of bruising or other physical harm
                                                       - Inconsistencies in stories
                                                       - Age differences… particularly if a minor appears to be under
                                                         the control of an adult
                                                       - Lack of knowledge about where abouts

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