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Editorial                                     What’s on

    Winter Gardening is easy in Botswana; sensitive   markets & pop ups
    plants may need some frost protection, but on the   Saturday 30th May -
    whole watering requirements are less, bugs       Open Consultation Day
    hibernate, and suddenly salad plants like lettuce,   10am to 3pm Email/Whatsapp
    kale, rocket and spinach are easy to grow.       gardensbotswana@gmail.
    COVID19 has changed how we live, no less with    Saturdays, 13th&20th June
    gardening. Online consultation, buying of plants   Introduction to Organic Gar-
    and teaching courses are beginning to flourish, and   dening/Farming Workshops
    on this Magazine’s 1st anniversary, it became free   Saturday 27th June – Market
    and digital for everyone. Please help it to grow and   at Basilico, 10am to 3pm
    support us if you can by donating, sponsoring a   Saturday 4th July - Market at
    page, or even advertising.                       Mowana, 9am to 2pm
    Email to be put on     Saturday 11th July – Advanced
    our mailing list, and Happy Gardening!             S.C  Organic Gardening/Farming
      Ceratotheca triloba  SPONSOR A PAGE (P100)     Saturday 18th July –Winter
                        & Get Free Coffee seeds      Open Farm Event in Notwane,
                        A DIFFERENT                  10am to 4pm
                        APPROACH, WILL               Saturday 25th July – Market
                        YOU SUPPORT IT?              at Sanitas, 10am to 3pm
                                                     Saturday 1st August - Market
                        Support the magazine:        at Mowana, 9am to 2pm
                        from P10 if  you can.        abroad - check out

                        Email:   these garden websites
                        FNB Main Branch: 62136323813
                        Acc Name: SC Gardens (and Ref)

    Publisher: SC Gardens                  
    Printer: Digital
    Managing Editor: S.Coleman
    Contributors: Sanitas, Julia Farmer, Harold Hester, Ian White, Nancy Horenburg,
    Miriam Delorie, Petra Strydom, and Bettina Kelly
    Subscriptions: Email to be added to the mailing list
    Website: Cell: 75435290
    All photographic contributions by S.C. unless attributed to other sources or contributors.
    The views of  the authors do not necessarily reflect those of  the publishers.   pg 5
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