Page 7 - may2020_Neat
P. 7
growing - Coffee
There are over 100 species
of Coffee, but the two most
important commercially are
Coffea arabica, and Coffea
canephora (syn. robusta), both
indigenous to Africa. Only
Coffea arabica is self fertile.
WHY - The coffee beans of BENEFITS - The coffee beans, the cherries,
course! It is also a very attractive the fragrant flowers, and the beautiful dark
plant to have indoors. The tree green foliage of the trees. Delicious home-
produces highly fragrant flowers, grown roasted coffee and all the benefits of
and bright pink-red ‘coffee caffeine.
cherries’ that are edible too. PROPAGATE - Coffee trees can be grown
HOW TO PLANT - I’ve only from seed, or cuttings. Pre-germinate the
grown coffee trees in large 1m x seeds by soaking them in water for 24 hours.
1m pots, and they are now 7 years Then sow the seeds in damp sand or in a
old, and have produced coffee good seedling mixture. Transplant when
beans for 3 years. Fill the pot with they are about 30cm high, into rich soil and
soil and compost, and water water well.
moderately. Place in indirect WHERE - Coffea arabica trees can be bought
bright light, or in light shade, at Margaret Roberts’ nursery in de Wildt,
protected from frost. They some- and for seeds you can contact the Editor.
times suffer from mealybugs, but Coffee trees are fruiting now and the seeds
otherwise are maintenance free. are viable for the following 4 months.
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