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The Good Life Farm

     The Good Life is a small Family Farm in Lesoma (Northern Botswana) producing fresh seasonal
     produce. We plant vegetables, fruits, trees and have free range chickens which produce the tastiest
     eggs for our restaurant the Coffee Buzz - 100 % Organic. Everything is seasonal and freshly
     When we bought the Farm we first had to fence it to keep the neigbour’s lifestock out. Once the
     Fence was up it was time for planting. Since 2015 we planted an estimated 400 trees, mostly
     indigenous, but since it is a farm we also added some fruit trees ie Mango, Naartje, Lemon,
     Orange, Paw Paw, Pomegranate etc. I always loved seeing things grow so it didn’t take me long to
     start a small Nursery and we are now able to plant our own homegrown baby trees ie Mangosteen,
     Nyala, Jackelberry Tree, Sausage Trees, Pod Mahagony, Natal Mahagony and more. I even
     managed to grow Macadamia Trees out of nuts, which I am super proud of. Wherever I am, I
     cannot stop myself collecting seeds, reading up on them and planting them. There is always
     something new to learn.

     Since the lockdown and the temporary closure of our businesses the Coffee Buzz and Kalahari
     Holiday Tours in Kasane we had even more time to invest into gardening. These days where the
     world is upside down, we decided to make a difference and to plant as much as we can to be self
     sufficient, also so that once we are able to open up again, to supply our vegetables and eggs to our
     clients. We do not use any chemical fertilizers but rather our own compost as well as manure. We
     also do not use any pesticides for insects but rather companion plants and homemade repellent,
     which most of the time consists of garlic, chillies, vegetable oil and liquid soap. When we had an
     invasion of army worms this worked like a bomb and it also worked for other insects trying to eat
     all my squashes.
     The Covid and hence having no income has given me so much time to learn more and more about
     gardening and today we are surviving on selling Jalapenos, Peppers, Spinach, Lettuce, Rocket,

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