Page 22 - nov21
P. 22


    Rock loving species, you can find
    them all: ferns, grasses, bulbs,
    lilies and succulents.

    Albucas are usually the first to flower in
    spring in the indigenous garden, Albuca
    abyssinica (below) has a tall raceme of pretty
    white and yellow flowers. Quite often you
    miss them entirely because they’re nestled in a
    rock crevice, likewise Pellaea calomelanos (right).
    Aloes (below right) and Stapeliads are
    commonly found growing niched in
    amongst rocks, and look stunning when in
    flower. They also compete quite well against
    aggressive indigenous grasses, so would suit
    a wild garden too.
    Xerophyta retinervis (opposite page) is so
    spectacular when changing leaf colour from
    the purple-black leaves in the dry season to a
    variety of colours following rainfall, and then
    their flowers appear, which are equally breath-
    taking. A must for any wild garden or rockery.
                          Text and Pics by S.C

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