Page 52 - nov21
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Art in the garden - Botswana rocks

                                     Along with our extraordinary minerals
                                     like Diamonds, the geology of Botswana
                                     is quite incredible, with Prehistoric rocks
                                     that can be seen in our National Botanical
                                     Gardens or at Francistown Airport.

                                     Rocks come with different textures -
                                     smooth and rough; in a variety of
    Granite                          colours and foliations or striations. When
                                     choosing which rocks to feature in your

                                     garden, think about the effect you’re
                                     trying to achieve. Is it to blend into the
                                     background or stand out as a feature in

                                     If you can’t get access to some of these
                                     natural treasures, then head to Sanitas for
                                     some fibreglass lookalikes, or even do it
    Sandstone                        yourself.                               S.C

    Dolerite                                         Prehistoric rocks in the N.B.G.
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