Page 21 - may2021
P. 21

groups of plants. A. chabaudii is
    found at elevations from 30 –
    2100m and is very tolerant of a
    wide range of habitats from dry
    exposed granite slopes to shady
    wooded slopes and is very versatile.
    Flowering occurs in June and
    July with flowers that are a
    deep pink colour and are club-
    shaped in appearance. The side
    branches of the inflorescence
    are borne horizontally.
    Medicinally an infusion of the
    leaves is used to kill external
    parasites in poultry and cattle.


    A. Africana is a very attractive
    single stemmed aloe that are
    adapted to a wide range of
    conditions. Reaching to a height
    of 3m, A. Africana has graceful
    grey-green leaves often more
    than 50cm long, armed with
    small reddish teeth. The dry
    leaf remains persist below the
    rosettes. A. Africana grows solitary
    and flowers from mid- winter into
    spring. The buds appear red
    and uniform and turn yellow as
    they open. The raceme (flower
    cluster) is cylindrical unlike
    other Aloes which taper to the
    top.  Medicinally the A. Africana
    has several beneficial actions.
    The sap of which contains
    anthraquinones which are used
    as a potent laxative and for dyes
    and pigments, as well as other
    medicinal purposes.
                                                     Ana Tree by Karin Duthie
             Text & Photos by Karin Duthie
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