Page 1 - 1. Chapter I_Self Introduction LO
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               Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang paling sering dan mudah untuk digunakan. Bahasa dapat

               digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan siapa diri kita dan juga kegiatan yang kita lakukan sehari-
               hari. Apa yang kita lakukan sehari-hari dapat mencerminkan seperti apa karakter kita. Melalui

               bab ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan siapa diri mereka dan juga kegiatan sehari-
               hari apa yang dilakukan menggunakan bahasa kedua mereka.

               Kegiatan Belajar

               1.  Reading and Vocabulary

                                                        My Life

                   My name is Regina Ayunda. I am 19 years old. I am a student at a community college in

               my town. I am majoring in education. I have wavy black hair, round eyes, and white skin. I
               have an average tall. My father tells me that I look like my mother.

                   During the pandemic, my activities are just at home. After having breakfast, I water the
               plant and help my mother clean the house. At a half past seven, I follow my lecture by online.

               I finish my lecture at one o’clock.
                   I live in a small house. It has five rooms: there are two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom,

               and a kitchen. Indeed, it is a small house; but I like living in here for wasting my spare time.

               My bedroom is my favorite room. Its wall color is blue, which is my favorite color. It has one
               comfortable bed that faces the window. Every morning the sun shines through my window and
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