Page 2 - 1. Chapter I_Self Introduction LO
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wakes  me  up.  On  the  corner  of  the  room  is  my  desk  where  I  usually  study  and  do  my

               a.  Definition

                  The text that you read above is called descriptive text. Descriptive text is a type of text which
                  is used by the writer or speaker to describe particular thing, person, animal, place and or

                  event to the readers or hearers.

               b.  Purpose
                  The purpose of the descriptive text is to describe, represent or reveal a person or an object,

                  either abstract or concrete.

               2.  Language Features

                  a. Parts of Speech
                     Parts of speech are sentence elements that work together to make up a sentence.  The

                     basic parts of speech include: noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), verb (kata
                     kerja), adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), preposition (kata depan),

                     conjunction (kata hubung), and interjection (kata seru).

                     Part of         Function        Words Example              Sentences Example

                                                     (to) be, have, do,
                      Verb         action or state    like, work, sing,      My mother work as a doctor
                                                         can, must

                                                      pen, dog, work,
                                                       music, town,
                      Noun         thing or person                       This is my cat. He lives in my house.
                                                     London, teacher,

                                                    good, big, red, well,  I have wavy black hair, round eyes, and
                    Adjective     describes a noun
                                                        interesting                 white skin

                                                      quickly, silently,
                                  describes a verb,
                     Adverb                          well, badly, very,  My bother like to ride his bicycle quickly
                                 adjective or adverb

                                                     I, you, he, she, it,
                     Pronoun      replaces a noun                        Diana is my friend. She is beautiful.
                                                         they, we
                                   links a noun to
                   Preposition                       to, at, after, on, but   We went to school on Monday.
                                   another word
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