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JANUARY 31, 2018 XX NO.23

             Village      News

                A little something

                                    for all of us

       Industrial                         CHESTERFIELD - When Chesterfield   Remaining                           Chesterfield

       development                        County residents, in 2013, voted   CCPS budget                         Federal Credit
                                          for a bond referendum that would
                                          provide funds to renovate or rebuild
                                          referendum to support school facility  meetings                        Union to open
                                          voters approved a $304 million bond
       BY MARK FAUSZ                                                                                             student-run
          Willis Road, with easy access from   improvements. As a result, the county
       Interstate 95, has been welcoming industrial   is able to renovate or replace 10   January 31, 2018       branch at MBK
       business for many years.           schools that are among the county’s          FY 2019 Budget Town    Hall -
          Plans have been submitted to    oldest.                                    Matoaca and Clover Hill     High
       Chesterfield County planning calling for an                                   (6- 7 p.m. – CTC@Hull)
       additional 200,000 square feet of warehouse   New schools             February 6, 2018                    CHESTERFIELD -
       space on Willis Road.                     will help                           School Board Budget Work       Chesterfield Federal Credit Union
          A developer from Hampton Roads has                                         Session                     and Chesterfield County Public Schools
       a plan in the works to add another Virginia   smooth over-                    (4 p.m. – Thomas Dale High)  held a ribbon cutting ceremony for
       Beach-based                          crowding and                     February 12, 2018                   the grand opening of the student-
          According to county records, “Armada                                       School Board Meeting        run Monarch credit union branch at
       Hoffler Inc. submitted plans last week   modernize                            FY 2019 Financial Plan Draft    Meadowbrook High on Tuesday. It
       to Chesterfield County to construct a   edu-space                             and FY 2019-FY 2023 Capital    will be managed by students who are
       distribution warehouse at 1608 Willis                                         Improvement Plan            instructed and mentored on how to
       Road.”                                 With the passage of the 2013           presented to the School Board    run a bank branch.  Student jobs will
          The Economic Development Authority   school bond referendum, the School      for approval              include serving as tellers, bookkeepers,
       names its big projects with a code name,   Board has implemented a school      (6:30 p.m. – Public Meeting    computer operators, branch managers
       and this project is no different.   construction plan that will revitalize    Room)                       and marketing managers.
          Called “Project River City,” the project   or replace some of the oldest                                  James River High is the only other
       is being fast-tracked through Chesterfield’s   acilities. The first two replacement                       Chesterfield County high school to have
       planning department.               schools will open during the 2018-19                                   a student-run credit union branch with
          The site also can be expanded by   school year; a replacement Beulah                                   Chesterfield Federal Credit Union.
       36,500 square feet, and it includes a CSX   Elementary is scheduled to open in
       rail spur north of the property.   fall 2018 and a replacement Enon
          The facility would occupy 27 acres   Elementary in January 2019.   overcrowding in several Bermuda
       of a 178-acre tract listing for $2.5 million,   As discussed in February 2016   District elementary schools, more   Buffalo Soldiers to hold
       according to county documents.     when the School Board declined     efficiently utilize classroom space   'Live Museum' Feb. 17
          The developer Armada Hoffler builds   to take action on a countywide   and eliminate the need for some
       multifamily, office, and retail properties   redistricting plan, spot redistricting   of the 250-plus learning cottages   The Mark Matthews Chapter of
       across Virginia, the Carolinas, and greater   would become necessary when   currently being used for instructional   the 9th and 10th Calvary (Horse)
       Washington, D.C., and owns several retail   the replacement Beulah and Enon   purposes.                   Association will hold its annual Live
       properties in the local area, including   elementary schools opened. With   Two meetings were held last week   Museum event Feb. 17, noon – 4 p.m.
       Bermuda Crossroads in Chester, where the   openings in less than 12 months,   concerning new school boundaries   at the Freedom Support Center, 32
       shopping center features more than 111,500   school division leaders have   in the Bermuda District. Call your   West Washington Street, Petersburg.
                                                                             school district member or the school
       square feet of rentable space as well as   developed a spot redistricting   administration for more information.  The event will feature “in character”
       approximately 140,000 square feet of land.  proposal that will alleviate                                  Buffalo Soldiers who have made their
                                                                                                                 mark on military and American history.
                                                                                                                 The Live Museum supports community
                                                                                                                 outreach for school supplies as well
                                                                                                                 as elementary and  ROTC programs
                                                                                                                 and scholarships statewide. For more
                                                                                                                 information, call Teresa Thomas at
                                                                                                                 (804) 237-6712. For more information,
                                                                                                                 call Chuck Andolino, Chesterfield
                                                                                                                 Historical Society, Veterans Day
                                                                                                                 Committee, (804) 275-6004

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