Page 25 - Talkingwiththebirds_Eng
P. 25
Jesus Christ and the birds (children’s folk story)
Once, as Jesus wanted to drink from a lake, His Cross fell in the water. Then all the birds
gathered around to help Him find It. First tried the pigeon, but it just managed to wet its nails.
Jesus , to recognize it, painted its legs red. Then, tried the swallow, but nothing. Jesus gave it a
white underpart. One by one the birds tried to find the Cross but they couldn’t. Next was the
goldfinch and Jesus painted its nose red and put spots on the tail. The partridge got red beak
and legs, the wagtail a three-coloured tail, the robin a red neck, the nightingale a sweet voice
and this continued with almost all the birds. Then, an eagle from up the sky, took a dive in the
water and took the Cross out. Then Jesus stamped it on the back with the sign of cross and
from then people call this kind of eagle “ the eagle with the cross”.