Page 43 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 43

                                                                                                   EDITION 01


               The objective of Consequence Management is to ensure compliance of all laws and Allo Contractor HSSE
               Requirement. The category of HSSE Non-Conformance applied for this works is

               a)  Fatality, Bodily Injury, Sickness or Disease
               b)  Major/LSR Offence, and
               c)  Minor Offence

               Subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract, Allo reserve its right to issue a penalty and notice to
               correct and/or a non-conformance report (NCR) for the HSSE Non-Conformance. Failure on the part of the
               Contractor  to  comply  with  the  notice  to  correct  or  the  NCR  within  a  given  specified  time  will  give
               entitlements to Allo to:

               a)  Issuance of Yellow and/or Red card
               b)  Issuance of penalty
               c)  ban the Contractor from entering the affected are within Allo facility;
               d)  ban the Contractor from entering Allo facility entirely;
               e)  depending on severity of the case, blacklist the Contractor in future contract;
               f)  terminate the Contract;
               g)  call on a performance security to recover all losses, claims, expenses (including legal fees) or damages
                   suffered by Allo as a result thereof; and/or
               h)  be indemnified and hold harmless against and from all losses, claims, expenses (including legal fees)
                   or damages suffered by Allo as a result thereof.
               13.1. Core Rules Type of HSSE non-conformance

               a)  Fatality, bodily injury, sickness or disease
               b)  Major Offence/ Live-Saving Rules (LSR) Offence
                   For a first-time major offence, the Contractor will be prevented from having access to site and stop
                   work order will be issued until the offence is rectified. For a repeated major offence by the same
                   Contractor, Allo shall be entitled to the rights stipulated in paragraph 13 (a) to (f) above. In both
                   situations,  the  Contractor shall  be  solely  and  fully  responsible  for  any  delay  to the work and  any
                   additional costs incurred and shall not be entitled for extension of time. The major offences is listed
                   below for reference. In any event, Allo reserve its rights to update this list from time to time:
                      i.   Working without Permit-To-Work (PTW)
                     ii.   Working with expired PTW
                     iii.   Non-compliance with PTW requirement
                     iv.   Failing to obtain authorization before overriding or disabling critical equipment
                     v.   Failing to protect against a fall when working at height (2 meter)
                     vi.   Position under suspended load
                    vii.   Failing to obtain permit before entering the confined space
                    viii.   Working on equipment with no certificate (where required)
                     ix.   Using mobile phone/ walkie-talkie while driving
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