Page 41 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 41

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                       VIII.   The  Contractor  shall  provide  appropriately  coloured  recycle  bins  at  the  workplace  for
                              segregation of paper, plastics, glass and aluminium. These wastes shall where practicable,
                              be reduced, recycled or reused.

                   b)   Schedule Waste
                         I.   Provision of adequate collection, removal and regulated disposal scheduled wastes to be
                              managed in accordance with the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations,
                         II.   The  Contractor  shall  notify  the  Department  of  Environment  (DOE)  of  any  generation,
                              inventory and disposal of scheduled wastes. A copy of notification shall be forwarded to
                              the Employer.
                        III.   Scheduled waste shall be stored in appropriate containers in a bunded area with a shed
                              over it. The storage containers shall be properly labelled with the type of scheduled waste
                              stored in it, together with hazard signage prior to collection by a licensed scheduled waste
                              collection service and sent to a designated landfill site.
                        IV.   Scheduled waste disposal should be carried out every 180 days or less after its generation
                              provided that the quantity of scheduled waste accumulation on site shall not exceed 20
                              metric tonnes.
                        V.    Scheduled wastes shall be disposed in accordance with Environmental Quality Act 1974
                              through contractors appointed by the DOE. Consignment notes obtain shall be kept in file
                              and a copy forwarded to the Employer’s representative.
                        VI.   Scheduled  waste  handling  must  be  handled  by  the  competent  and  certified  person

                   c)   Environmental Protection
                         I.   The Contractor shall be aware of the environmental conditions of the site and the areas
                              surrounding  the  site.  The  Contractor  is  also  to  allow  for  continuous  liaison  with  the
                              Department of Environment to ensure that all works being carried out do not directly or
                              indirectly contribute to pollute or contaminating the environment.
                         II.   The Contractor shall be held solely responsible for the sufficiency of precautions taken by
                              it to protect the environment and shall comply with requirements imposed by the relevant
                              authorities and comply, in particular, but be not limited to the following:
                              a.  Environmental Quality Act 1974
                                 The Contractor shall comply with all aspects of the Environmental Quality Act 1974
                                 which have relevance to the design, construction, equipping and commissioning of the
                              b.  Environmental Impact Assessment
                                 The Contractor shall follow the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) approval and
                                 shall  incorporate  into  the  works  all  the  abatement  and  mitigation  measures  for
                                 environmental  protection  and  environmental  monitoring  as  required  by  the
                                 Department of Environment.
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