Page 36 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 36

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                        dangerous to personnel must be ventilated immediately and checked with suitable gas detection
                        equipment to ensure it is safe to work before work is started or resumed.
                   d)   Confined space entry must be authorized through PTW’s approval process.
                   e)   The following are competent person required for working in confined space but not limited to:
                         I.   Permit issuer (PI)
                              a.  Minimum requirement of Authorized Entrant Standby Person (AESP) and Authorized
                                 Gas Tester Entry Supervisor (AGTES) training. Responsible to ensure comprehensive
                                 risk assessment of the work to be carried out in confined space, perform isolation if
                                 required, issue permit to work as per DOSH ICOP-CS and cancellation of permit to work
                                 after ensuring Works place is safe. Permit issuer must not be the same person as the
                                 Entry Supervisor (ES).

                         II.   Authorized Gas Tester (AGT)
                              a.  Minimum requirement of Authorized Gas Tester Entry Supervisor (AGTES) training,
                                 registered with DOSH and valid certificate. Responsible to test and interpret the level
                                 of gases present in the confined space before allowing workers to enter. Such test need
                                 to be done periodically as per site evaluation with ES.

                        III.   Entry Supervisor (ES)
                              a.  Minimum requirement of Authorized Gas Tester Entry Supervisor (AGTES) training,
                                 registered with DOSH and valid certificate. As the permit receiver, ES is responsible to
                                 ensure comprehensive risk assessment of the Works to be carried out in confined
                                 space, conduct safety briefing, supervise the Works place all the time and ensure the
                                 preparation  of  all  required  equipment  for  safe  work  in  confined  space  such  as
                                 ventilation,  warning  signage,  barricades,  communication  system  and  rescue
                                 equipment. ES also is responsible to ensure entry procedure is in place, permit to work
                                 is  displayed  and  ensure  overall  requirement  for  safe  work  in  confined  space  are
                                 adhered to. ES should be fulltime at the designated location and must not to be the
                                 same person as PI.

                        IV.   Authorized Entrant (AE)
                              a.  Minimum requirement of Authorized Entrant Standby Person (AESP) training. Prior to
                                 entering confined space, AE must declare in written form that he/she is healthy and
                                 fit  to  perform  work  with  supporting  document  by  an  Occupational  Health  Doctor
                                 (OHD) before they are allowed to work in confined space. Only AE is allowed to work
                                 in  confined  space,  with  complete  equipment  including  PPE  and  must  always
                                 communicate with Standby Person (SP) while in the confined space. AE should always
                                 be alert of any warning, restriction or symptom of exposure to danger.

                        V.    Standby Person (SP)
                              a.  Minimum  requirement  of  Authorized  Entrant  Standby  Person  (AESP)  training.  SP
                                 should be fulltime at the designated location and always be aware of AE movement,
                                 keep record of person in and out of the confined space and communicate regularly
                                 with AE. SP should always be alert of any warning, restriction or symptom of exposure
                                 to danger and instruct AE to evacuate the confined space immediately when required.
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