Page 34 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 34

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                    SDS shall be kept in a conspicuous place close to each location where the hazardous material is used,
                    shall be prominently displayed and easily accessible to the personnel as required by Regulation 25 of
                    OSH (Use and Standard of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000.

               7.7.  Information, Instruction and Training
                    All hazardous materials used or stored by the contractor on site shall be accompanied with the Safety
                    Data Sheets (SDS) in language that are easily understand by worker.
                    The  contractor  who  undertakes  work,  which  may  expose  or  is  likely  to  expose  his  personnel  to
                    materials hazardous to health, shall provide them with such information, instruction and training as
                    may be necessary to enable them to know:

                     I.   The health risk created by such exposures; and
                     II.   The precautions to be taken.
                    All training programmes shall be documented and kept for inspections.

               7.8.  Emergency
                    The  Contractor  involved  in  the  handling,  transport,  storage  or  use  of  hazardous  materials  shall
                    familiarize  themselves  with  emergency  procedures  (e.g.  fire/explosion,  accident,  spillage  and
                    leakage). Written emergency response procedures shall be made available and regularly practiced.

               7.9.  Disposal
                    The Contractor shall seek advice on methods for bulk disposal of hazardous materials. Disposal of
                    scheduled waste shall be in accordance with Environment Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulations
                    2005  and  domestic  waste  shall  be  disposed  at  dumping  ground  approved  by  local  authority.
                    Contractor shall be accountable for all waste generated during construction work.

             7.10.  Personal Protective Equipment
                   The Contractor involved in handling of hazardous chemicals shall wear sufficient and suitable PPE.
                   When  handling  the  hazardous  chemicals,  appropriate  safety  attire  such  as  chemical  goggles,  face
                   shields, rubber gloves, rubber boots and chemical resistant clothing must be worn.

                   Handling  of  chemicals  that  involve  gases  or  dust  would  require  adequate  ventilation  system,
                   respiratory equipment and chemical resistant clothing. Guideline on the use of PPE against chemical
                   hazard shall be referred.

            8.  HOT WORK ACTIVITY
               8.1.  Compressed Gas Cylinders
                   a)    The Contractor shall ensure that:
                         I.   Compressed  gas  cylinders  are  stored,  transported  or  used  in  an  upright  position  and
                              secured to some substantial object or other suitable means capable of supporting the
                              weight of the cylinder. This applies to all cylinders, whether empty or full.
                         II.   Cylinders valves shall be closed and hoses depressurized when cylinders are not in use.
                              Only designated hoses shall be used for a specific gas.
                        III.   Cylinders shall have protective valve caps in place while they are being transported or
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