Page 29 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 29

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

               5.12.      HSSE Inspection
                 a)     Prior to the commencement of works, the Contractor is required to inspect equipment involved
                        to  ensure  that  works  will  be  performed  in  safe  condition.  In  addition,  the  Contractor  shall
                        maintain  and  perform  continuous  HSSE  inspection  throughout  the  works’  period  and  shall
                        promptly implement all recommendations made pursuant to the said inspection.
                 b)     The Employer shall have the right to conduct its own HSSE inspection at location. The Contractor
                        shall comply with all recommendations arising from such inspection.

               5.13.      Hand Tools
                 a)     The Contractor shall ensure that all hand tools supplied are in good condition and fit for purpose.
                        Damaged tools which are unfit for use shall be removed immediately from use and shall be
                        scrapped if they cannot be repaired.
                 b)     The Contractor’s employees shall be fully instructed regarding the use of correct tools for any
                        particular job.

               5.14.      Transportation
                 a)     The Contractor’s personnel travelling to and from work site shall use proper and safe means of
                 b)     Such  transport  shall  comply  with  the  applicable  Malaysian  road  traffic/transport  rules  and
                 c)     Transportation of the Contractor’s personnel in open trucks is prohibited unless the truck is fitted
                        with seats and certified to carry passenger.

               5.15.      General Fire Protection
                 a)     Accumulation of trash, oily rags combustible materials or fire hazards of any nature will not be
                 b)     The area around welding and cutting operations must be kept free of combustible of all kinds
                        (wood, paper, plastic sheet, cardboard, flammable liquids, etc.) on some jobs it will be necessary
                        to assign one of the workmen to watch for the occurrence of fires.
                 c)     Fire hydrants, extinguishers, approved fire hoses must be accessible at all times.
                 d)     Flammable or explosive type material such as fuel, oil, cleaner, etc must be properly contained,
                        clearly identified, separately stored in a fenced-in area and kept clear of work areas. Appropriate
                        warning signs must be provided in such storage areas.
                 e)     No fuel dumps are allowed on the worksite.
                 f)     All welding and spark or flame producing operation must be stopped within a radius of 10 meters
                        during any refuelling operations.
                 g)     All motors must be stopped when refuelling.
                 h)     It is the Contractor's responsibility to supply the necessary fire extinguishers and to refill them
                        immediately after they have been used.
                 i)     Volatile materials must not be used near an open flame. If such material is to be applied in a
                        vessel, or other poorly ventilated confined areas, only explosion proof lights and connections will
                        be used.
                j)  "No Smoking" restrictions must be strictly observed.
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