Page 28 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 28

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                   b)   Any  incident  involving  the  Contractor’s  or  any  third-party  personnel  or  equipment,  shall  be
                        immediately  reported  to  the  Employer,  irrespective of  whether  there  is  injury  to  personnel,
                        environment, or damage to equipment.
                   c)   All incidents that result in or have the potential to cause serious injuries or property damage
                        must be suitably investigated by the Contractor and reported to the Employer. The Contractor
                        shall keep a copy of the report and shall be made available upon request. The Contractor is
                        required to investigate and report major accident to DOSH immediately.
                   d)   Findings  and  recommendations  arising  from  incident  investigation  shall  be  presented  to  the
                        Employer’s HSSE Committee.
                   e)   The  Contractor  shall  ensure  all  recommendations  are  being  tracked  and  implemented.  The
                        Contractor shall provide status of action items with evidence of closure.
                   f)   The  Contractor  shall  immediately  notify  the  Employer  of  any  HSSE’s  incident  involving  any
                        employees, servants or agents of the Contractor or its subcontractor, or equipment, or involving
                        any third party.
                   g)   Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, incident reporting shall include all near
                        misses,  injuries,  accidents,  reportable spill,  exposure  to or  leakage of  hazardous  substances,
                        health incidents including occupational illness, occupational poisoning and non-accidental death,
                        thefts, actual or suspected criminal activity, offences, and work interruptions irrespective of any
                        injury to persons or damage or loss to property.
                   h)   Such  immediate  notification  shall  be  done  by  means  of  radio,  telephone  or  other  methods
                        specified by the Employer and shall be followed up by the notices given in the usual manner
                        provided in this Contract.
                   i)   The  Contractor  shall  take  steps  to  maintain  and  increase  the  safety  consciousness  of  the
                        Contractor’s and the subcontractor’s employees, servants and agents by means of periodic safety
                        meetings and discussions.

               5.10.      Housekeeping
                 a)     The Contractor shall ensure that good housekeeping is done on a daily basis and maintained
                        continuously  throughout  the  duration  of  the  work.  Proper  segregation  of  wastes  between
                        hazardous  and  non-hazardous  wastes  shall  be  performed  at  a  designated  temporary  dump
                        location to be agreed by the Employer.
                 b)     Access and egress of all exits, fire and safety equipment, and work areas must be kept clear of
                        obstructions at all times. Special attention must be given to maintaining clear walkways, removal
                        slippery and tripping hazards, securing, or removing of loose materials at height, and proper
                        storage of materials. All housekeeping shall be at the Contractor’s cost.
                 c)     The Contractor shall ensure that the employees are fully aware of these requirements and the
                        Contractor shall enforce regulations to the satisfaction of the Employer.

               5.11.      Air Hose
                 a)     Air  hose  connection  shall  be  equipped  with  anti-whipping  device  to  prevent  accidental
                        disconnection. Air hose should not be used to clean any part of the body or clothing or use to
                        blow off dirt on the floor. Compressor supplying air shall possess a valid Certificate of Fitness by
                        the relevant authorities and equipped with relief valve. The relief valve shall not be bypassed,
                        modified, and/or tempered with.
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