Page 30 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 30
k) Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions shall be immediately corrected by any member of site
supervision and management. Any unusual or difficult situations are to be reported to the
Employer’s HSSE representative.
6.1. Working at Height
a) The Contractor shall at its own expenses provide the worker with fall protection devices such as
but not limited to full body harness with lanyard.
b) Fall protection device is required when working above 2.0 meters from deck. For working
overboard, in addition to fall protection, personnel floatation device shall be used. Personnel
using fall protection device shall be trained on its use.
c) All workers undertaking WAH shall attend WAH training including but not limited to overhead
lines towers, poles, substation equipment, buildings, roof, slope, working platform etc.
d) Ladders should be selected to suit the Works to be carried out with consideration of the duration
of the work, the physical surroundings of where the Works is to be carried out and the prevailing
weather conditions. Ladders shall be secure and tie at all times. Ladders shall be of approved
type, adequate strength and in a good working condition. Domestic or ‘homemade’ ladders
should not be used at any time. A specific SOP/SWP shall be developed according to industrial
best practice.
6.2. Scaffold
a) A competent person shall supervise all scaffold works. Copies of the relevant certificates of the
competent person shall be extended to the Employer for endorsement. All scaffold workers must
wear double lanyard. Scaffolding activities shall be regulated by the standard and guideline which
include but not limited to the following:
I. Restriction on the type of scaffolding that can be supervised by the different level of
competencies i.e. Basic, Intermediate and Advance.
II. The ratio of competent person to scaffold builders (supervisor to erector) is one to four
(1:4) to be maintained. The Contractor shall maintain a proper inspection and record-
keeping program for all scaffold structures being erected at location. Independent Scaffold
Inspector(s) shall be employed to ensure all scaffold built conformed to acceptable scaffold
erection standard.
b) All costs incurred for the employment of the Independent Scaffold Inspector(s) shall be borne by
the Contractor. The Employer shall approve the appointment of the Contractor’s proposed
inspector (minimum intermediate level competency).
c) A safe means of access must be provided for any work to be carried out at a height greater than
2.0 meters. If a suitable permanent access is not available, a well-designed, erected, inspected
and maintained scaffold will be provided for a safe means of access and egress and safe working
areas. Additionally, safe access to scaffold work platform by ladder must be provided. All
scaffoldings shall be constructed in accordance with BS 5973 Code of Practice for Access and
Working Scaffolds and Special Scaffold Structures in Steel or its equivalent.
d) The contractor shall ensure all scaffold material should have CIDB’s Certificate of Standards
Compliance or “Perakuan Pematuhan Standard” (PPS).