Page 35 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 35

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                        IV.   Cylinders shall be returned promptly to a designated storage area after use. They shall not
                              be left at any location.
                        V.    Flammable gases and oxygen cylinders shall not be stored in close proximity (minimum 3
                              m) unless separated by a non-combustible wall/partition.
                        VI.   Cylinders may only be hoisted when enclosed in an approved box or cradle within which
                              they are securely fastened.
                       VII.   Cylinders  must  be  identified  by  a  color  code  in  accordance  with  Malaysian  legislative
                       VIII.   Periodical and pre-job inspection shall be carried out on the cylinder with accessories such
                              as but not limited to leak test, functionality test for regulator and check valve.
                        IX.   Gas welding cylinders shall have hose check valves (non-return valves), which allow gases
                              to the blowpipe, but not back from it. Flashback arrestors shall be installed to prevent
                              flashback flames in both oxygen and fuel gas outlet lines.
                        X.    Outlet from gas cylinders to be fitted with check valves which will shut down in case of any
                              pressure drop in the hose.

               8.2.  Welding, Cutting and Hot Work
                   a)   The Contractor shall ensure only competent welder be allowed to use welding equipment.
                   b)   The Contractor shall ensure suitable precautions against exposure of welding hazards such as
                        excessive ultraviolet radiation, fire, or dusts.
                   c)   Welding, and/or flame cutting in the vicinity of flammable or combustible items shall only be
                        done under the control of the PTW.
                   d)   Trained Fire Watcher (“FW”) shall be assigned to each work activity if required under the PTW.
                        The Employer may consider the employment of a single FW to oversee work activities within
                        vicinity of few locations.
                   e)   FW shall attend formal training conducted by a recognized training provider by the Fire and
                        Rescue Department Malaysia.
                   f)   When required in the PTW, The Contractor shall be responsible to provide appropriate number
                        of gas monitoring devices (explosive proof type) during the execution of any hot work activities.
                        Gas monitoring devices shall be periodically calibrated with certificate or tags available.
                   g)   The Contractor shall provide adequate numbers of suitable fire extinguishers are accessible at
                        hot work area. Welders must be competent in use of these extinguishers.

               9.1.  Working in Confined Space
                   a)   All confined space works shall be performed in accordance with DOSH Confined Space Entry Code
                        of Practice 2010. (Example Authorized person, standby person, authorized gas tester, Medical
                        Fitness, PPE, etc.)
                   b)   Entry  by  a  worker  into  any  confined  space  shall  be  under  the  control  of  a  suitable  written
                        procedure  meeting  all  legislations  and  the  Employer’s  requirements  for  testing,  ventilation,
                        recording or test data and personal protection.
                   c)   The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all necessary test and protective measures are
                        implemented. Dangerous gases or oxygen deficiency cannot be detected by sight or smell and
                        areas which may contain a harmful atmosphere must be properly tested. All areas found to be
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