Page 31 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 31

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                   e)   Erection of scaffold must be made according to approved design and comply to BOWEC 1986,
                        CIDB CIS 22:2021 and others related requirements. The erection, alteration and maintenance of
                        scaffolding shall be performed by qualified erector under a direct supervision of a competent
                        designated person, engaged by the contractor.

               6.3.   Barricade, Covers and Guardrails
                   a)    The  Contractor  shall  provide  adequate  barricades,  covers,  guardrails  or  other  appropriate
                        warning devices to protect personnel near any hazardous operations or overhead work.
                         I.   Temporary  covers  for  floor  openings  shall  be  firmly  fastened  and  clearly  identified  by
                              warning signs. All elevated work areas, walkways, platform etc. whether permanent or
                              temporary,  shall  be  protected  by  an  approved  guardrail  (consisting  of  an  upper  and
                              intermediate rail and toe board) and shall provide a sturdy working space.

               6.4.  Lifting
                   a)   All cranes supplied by the Contractor shall have a valid DOSH certification and/or certificate of
                        fitness issued. All cranes used by the Contractor shall be inspected and load tested by Third Party
                        before going into service with a valid certificate. The crane operator shall be a competent person
                        and have a valid certificate from DOSH and/or a valid license in compliance to international
                   b)   The Contractor shall maintain cranes in a safe condition and make repair or replace unsafe crane
                        for works as per Inspection and Maintenance of Lifting Equipment Procedure for ensuring a safe
                        operating condition throughout the work. Should there be any doubt to the condition of the
                        crane, the Contractor is required to perform load test at the Contractor’s own cost.
                   c)   All  cranes  shall  be  load  tested  after  any  significant  modification  or  repairs  and  certified
                   d)   All cranes shall be subjected to a “Thorough Examination” every 15 months from the date of
                        going into service as per FMA 1967. The definition of a “Thorough Examination” can be taken to
                        mean a detailed visual examination carried out as carefully as conditions permit, in order to
                        obtain at a reliable conclusion as to the safety of the crane being examined.
                   e)   Such examination shall be carried out by a qualified third-party surveyor. It may be necessary to
                        supplement  the  visual  inspection  by  methods of  non-destructive testing  that determine  the
                        condition of any part of the crane without causing any detrimental change in material. Following
                        any examination  of a crane, should there be any  doubt as to  the safety  of the crane; the
                        Contractor may be required to carry out another appropriate load test.
                   f)   Any lifting appliance supplied by the Contractor shall be inspected before being used and also
                        shall be subject to a six-monthly inspection by a qualified third party or by a person trained and
                        duly authorized in writing. The Contractor shall note its responsibilities to ensure the safety of
                        the lifting appliances for the duration of the contract.
                   g)   All heavy lifting (more than 1 tonne) shall require the production of a lifting analysis and plan
                        prepared  by  the  Contractor.  The  Contractor  is  responsible  for  ensuring  that  a  competent,
                        authorized operator operates any lifting device and that a signaler is designated to signal the
                        operator as necessary to properly place and control the loads.
                   h)   Prior to performing any lift, crane operator shall visually re-inspect all the lifting appliances e.g.
                        slings, shackles, spreader bar and etc. that going to be used in the lifting has no defects at all. All
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