Page 32 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 32

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                        the lifting appliances, lifting radius and crane capacity shall be as presented and approved in a
                        Lifting Management Plan.
                   i)   No worker shall be allowed under the load. Tag lines must be used and control the load where
                        excessive movement is possible. Proper sign must be posted at appropriate locations to restrict
                        unauthorized entry.
                   j)     Record of inspection shall be kept for the Employer’s review. During high line activities, all
                          personnel must be clear from any of cable under tension.
                   k)   All lifting activities shall be in the presence of rigger man and signalman.
                   l)     No lifting activities to be carried out at night without the approval of the Employer and wind
                          speed of more than 25 knots.

               6.5.  Derrick/Gin Pole
                   a)   Worker involved in derrick/gin pole operation shall be trained according to the procedure.
                   b)   Every derrick/gin pole shall be anchored at least by 3 guy rope/backstay to avoid unexpected
                        collapse. Method of the anchoring point shall be properly identified in the procedure.
                   c)   Every  derrick  shall  be  secured  at  least  at  3  point  along  the  tower.  2  of  the  points  shall  be
                        maintained during repositioning of the derrick.

               The  Contractor  shall  take  reasonable  precautions  to  ensure  that  all  hazardous  materials  are  handled
               according to OSH (Use and Standard of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000 and
               OSH (Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheet of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations 2013.
               7.1.  Chemical Register
                    The Contractor shall declare and register all hazardous chemical used at workplace as required by
                    Regulation 5 of OSH (Use and Standard of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to Health) Regulations

               7.2.  Storage
                    As a general principle, all hazardous materials stored shall be kept in a well-ventilated, dry, cool and
                    tidy  area.  Hazardous  materials  of  different  categories  are  to  be  stored  separately  namely  for
                    combustible, flammable, toxic and explosive substances. All stores shall be locked at all times to
                    prevent unauthorized entry. Flammable Cabinet shall be provided for storage of small quantity of

               7.3.  Labelling and Relabelling
                    All hazardous materials shall be properly labelled as required by OSH (Classification, Labelling and
                    Safety Date Sheet of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations 2013.

                    When the hazardous material is transferred to another container other than that in which it was
                    originally supplied, the container must be relabelled in accordance with regulation 21 of OSH (Use
                    and Standard of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000.
                    Under sub-regulation 8(1) of the regulations, the supplier is required to label every packaging of
                    hazardous chemical legibly and indelibly containing the following information:
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