Page 8 - Grade X/SMA Narrative Text E-module
P. 8


                                     The learning objective after learning this e-module are you be able to
                              distinguish and capture the meaning of a narrative text, and be able to write their
                              own version of narrative text.

                 05.          EXPECTED COMPETENCE

                                     The competencies that are expected after you study this module are that
                               you can analyze the social function, generic structure, and language features
                               of a narrative text, as well as being able to rewrite the story with your own

                 06.          INITIAL ASSESSMENT

                             I.  Instruction
                                      1.  Look at the questions carefully!
                                      2.  Do the questions below properly and correctly!

                                      3.  Write the answer in the column provided!

                           II.  Please answer the question below!

                                    Let’s recognize these titles of the story!

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