P. 10

Page 10                                                                            December, 2020
           Page 10                                                                            October, 2008
          Can anyone become an entrepreneur through                                       There Are

                      sheer will and determination?                                     Generally 3
       Continued from pg 7
        faced with challenges                backed  by  a  definite                   for the SMEs
           ü Viewing failure as                                                  ·   You need to increase your
               a   t e m p o r a r y     ·       a  definite,  well-                 reach and revenue and
                                             t h o u g h t - o u t ,   a n d
               defeat                                                                get in front of new
                                             organized plan                          prospective customers.
           ü Learning  from

               your mistakes             ·       and apply persistence           ·   You are overwhelmed with
                                             or determination into all               ideas and information, and
           ü C r e a t i n g   n e w                                                 you need a trusted source
                                             parts of your life
               plans  when  your                                                     to help you design and
                                         You  can practice Napoleon
               first  plans  don't                                                   implement a compelling
                                         Hill's principles to achieve                action plan to take your
                                         success  in  any  goal  or  any             business to the next
           ü S h u t t i n g   o u t
                                         other line of work.                         level.
               n e g a t i v e   a n d
                                                                                 ·   You know what you need to
               d i s c o u r a g i n g                                               do — but you need
                                         Share this with the aspiring
               influences.                                                           systems and structures
                                         entrepreneurs  in  your  life
           ü J o i n i n g   o r                                                     in your business to get
                                         or  anyone  who  wants  to                  things done efficiently.
               creating  a  group
                                         reach  their  goals!  Send  a           Without support and
               of people who will
                                         c o m m e n t   b y   m a i l           knowledge in running a
               encourage  you,                                                   business, you'll end up
               k e e p   y o u           ( )    on      struggling to make your
                                         what your burning desire is
               accountable,  and                                                 business a success, and all
                                         and  1  action  step  you  are          your passion and enthusiasm
               help  you  achieve
                                         going to take to get it!                will drain away. That's when
               your goals
                                         Antonio Thornton                        you need a business &
        If you have
                                                                                 entrepreneurial consultant to
        ·      a  burning  desire                                                help you.
                                                                                 Take Action call 020 8131656
                                                                                 or visit
                                                                                 The Noticeboard Newspaper
                                                                                 can highlight your business

                                                                                 visibility at very minimal cost.
                                                                                 Call 020 8131656. Visit
                                                                                 board/ to read past editions.
                                                                                 Send us your email address
                                                                                 and we shall send you copies

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