P. 6
Page 6 December, 2020
Can anyone become an entrepreneur through
Is the Path to
sheer will and determination?
an anyone become after its first publication, riches. But desiring riches
Worth it Considering
an entrepreneur it's still the #1 bestseller with a state of mind that
most Startups fail?
Cthrough sheer will in budgeting and money becomes an obsession, then
and determination? management on Amazon. planning definite ways and
Short answer: YES! Most means to acquire riches,
and backing those plans
Forbes also published an
with persistence which
article on Hill's work by Dr.
does not recognize failure,
Grace Lee in January,
will bring riches.”
which explains the science
behind Hill's findings and
why it works. This shows
people would stop reading how relevant Hill's work
right there. But if you're still is today. Hill believed
truly determined and want to achieve your goals you
the sure-fire steps to need to start with a
meet your goals then keep BURNING DESIRE
reading! Okay, glad that · A burning desire is
you decided to keep s o m e t h i n g y o u
reading! d e s p e r a t e l y a n d
That already shows you passionately want.
have the willpower and · You want it so much Second, your burning desire
determination. that it becomes an needs to be backed by a
definite purpose, not just
Now, have you heard of So, first, make becoming passion. It's important to
Napoleon Hill? an entrepreneur your have passion, but Dr. Grace
· He interviewed 500 burning desire. Lee explains that passions
of the richest men are impulses toward
· A n a l y z e d t h e i r Hill said: pleasure and instincts to
successes down to 13 “Wishing will not bring avoid pain.
· And presented his She further points out:
findings in a book titled “It's no coincidence that
Think and Grow Rich the first principle in “Think
aka “Granddaddy of all and Grow Rich” is to have a
M o t i v a t i o n a l burning desire backed by
Literature” definite purpose, not
Even today, 80 years passion. It activates the
Continue on pg 7