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Page 2 December, 2020
Zhauns Business Opportunity Machines Business
Continued from pg 1 Opportunities
small businesses succeed.
SMEs need to be supported for Future
and considered when
services are needed or when Entrtepreneurs
goods have to be bought. he decision to start
Zhauns supports SMEs
wholeheartedly and wants your own business
o u r e n t r e p r e n e u r s t o businesses struggle to find Twill change the rest
capital to start-up or expand of your life. If you are
As a solution to the poverty their businesses. Although
and employment crisis in there are many ways to considering this, or
South Africa, and elsewhere access capital or funding, you possibly improving or
on the African continent, need to be aware that there is extending your current
Zhauns offers affordable strict criteria in applying for
business opportunities in the funding, and often a long wait business, then talking to
manufacturing industry. We before financial assistance is Zhauns is the best decision
assist business owners in granted. Even if you meet the you can make. We offer
manufacturing household criteria, funding is not
products that will always be in guaranteed. l e a d i n g i n d u s t r y
demand, creating long-term, equipment to small and
sustainable businesses. It is worth carefully reviewing
your options and find the most medium sixed businesses
A small investment in a
machine from Zhauns is all it suitable funding vehicle before to produce which are in
submitting an application. This
takes to build a profitable huge daily demand.
business. paper provides you with basic
information to understand the
If you have an idea to start a
business with one of Zhauns business funding vehicles in Need an urgent response?
Ghana that could provide you
machines, it's always good to E m a i l u s a t
start with a business with the financial assistance and a
you may require.
proposal or develop a
business plan to ensure that We would love to see you sales assistant will contact
your ideas and thoughts are succeed even if it means you within 24 hours. Or
aligned and makes sense to getting your business started or
you and anyone that reads it. taking your business to the next call locally 020 8131656
Dilton Consult can help you level with one of our machines. for very urgent enquiries.
with the development of your And, when you purchase a
business plans. Contact us at machine from us you will get Dear Entrepreneur, . some discount through our We can profile your
Once you have your plan and relationship with Dilton company & let your
if you require funding, we Consult. potential customers
have published below where Please Call us: know:
you could explore for funding. 055 6533307
In Ghana, many new small 020 8131656 Who you are...
What you sell...
We offer leading industry equipment to What services you provide
Well .... tell the people of
small- and medium-sized businesses to Ghana anything you want
produce which are in huge daily demand. them to know about your
For more information, check ..... CALL THE NOTICEBOARD
0556533307 / 0208131656