P. 3

Page 3
          December, 2020
                                                 Some Funding Facilities in Ghana
       The biggest truth                    Continued from pg 2
                      in                     companies:  you  borrow  from alternative  to  traditional
       entrepreneurship                      the  investors/lenders  an  banks.  In  Ghana,  the
       is that losing is a                   agreed  amount  (the  principal) following  crowd  funding
        part of the game,                    and  reply  the  principal  and opportunities exist:
         and the quicker
         you realize this,                   interest  to  them  after  a  ·              GoGetFunding  helps
          the sooner you                     specified  period  of  time.             r a i s e   m o n e y   f o r
                won't be                     Microfinance  loans  typically           anything  that  matters,
        paralyzed by the                                                              from  personal  causes
              thought of                                                              and  events  to  projects
       making a mistake                                                               and  more.  Get  more
          in business. By
       default, you need                                                              from (
            to be able to                                                             ).
            respect your                                                           ·      payPutt,  an  online
                 losses.                                                              fundraising  platform
                                                                                      based in Accra, collects
                                                                                      contributions via mobile

                                                                                      money and cards in the
                                                                                      simplest  and  most
                                                                                      t r a n s p a r e n t   w a y
                                             target small business owners.
                                                                                      p o s s i b l e .   G o   t o
                                             ·      The  full  list  of  other
                                                microfinance  institutions,
                                                including  microcredit  and

                                                financial NGOs, available in
                                                Ghana, can be found at Bank
                                                of Ghana (

                                             ·      For  export  financing
                                                particularly, guidance can be
                 To Advertise call
                   055 6533307                  found  at  GEPA  Export
                   020 8131656                  F    i  n   a    n   c   i   n   g      (   )  for
         URL:        (                   more information.
                     :  C r o w d f u n d i n g :   a l l o w s   ·  K w i d e x   a l l o w s
                                                                                      everyday  people  own  a
                                             entrepreneurs to raise (usually)         part of the agricultural
            THE TEAM                         small amounts of capital from a          v a l u e   c h a i n   b y

                    Publisher:               large  group  of  individuals  via
                  Dilton Consult             the  Internet  to  finance  their        connecting them to
                Managing Editor:
                    Ato Tandoh               business  venture.  This  an                               Continue on pg 4
                Graphic Designer
                    Ato Tandoh                  Please Call us:
        Reporters/Marketing Executives:
               Maame Ama Tandoh                 055 6533307
               Yvonne N.L. Lamptey              020 8131656
                   Naomi Zuut
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