P. 7
December, 2020 Page 7
Can anyone become an entrepreneur through
sheer will and determination?
Continued from pg 6
prefrontal cortex that
F o u r t h , y o u n e e d
initiates persistent and
consistent action toward persistence.
Hill said:
your goals.”
Therefore, having a “Examine the first hundred
burning desire, knowing ü Research people you meet, ask them
what you want, and Ø What kind of what they want most in life,
u n d e r s t a n d i n g y o u r e d u c a t i o n o r and ninety-eight of them will
“reason why” will give you background do you not be able to tell you. If you
clarity and focus as you need? press them for an answer,
achieve your goals. Ø W h a t s o m e w i l l s a y -
resources do you SECURITY...MONEY...HAPP
Third, you need to have a need? INESS..., but none of them
definite plan. Ø Who can you will be able to define these
Do this by being specific use as a resource? terms, or give the slightest
a n d d e f i n i t e w h e n · Determine what you indication of a PLAN by
defining your goals and will up in return for what which they hope to attain
plans. you desire these vaguely expressed
Conduct well-though-out ü For example: wishes. Riches do not
research and keep it Ø Time respond to wishes. They
organized Ø Money respond only to definite
· Research "how to · Set due dates to hold plans, backed by definite
b e c o m e a n yourself accountable to desires, through constant
entrepreneur" achieving your goals PERSISTENCE."
ü Read business and ü For example:
e n t r e p r e n e u r Ø S t a r t · Y o u c a n d e v e l o p
articles and blogs researching by persistence by
7/29 ü Continuing to try when
Ø Sign up for a
business class by
Ø D r a f t u p
resources 8/4
Ø C r e a t e 1 s t
rough draft of
your business plan
or goals by 8/11
Continue on pg 10