Page 11 - The Real truth about Traffic
P. 11

Most think like this.

          Some people who've been doing this for years, and haven't yet got results, are failing for

               this reason. They are focussing on the wrong thing... focussing on the engine part-

               and not the structure.

          They send traffic to a blog or site they put together, slap on a buy now button or a few

               banner ads, and „hope‟ that someone buys.

          What they fail to realise, is that even if they were to get 1,000 clicks to their website...

               even if they were to get a ton of traffic to their site- it would not matter. That site

               cannot fly.

          Most of that traffic would not convert to sales...

          And that's a problem- because all traffic has a cost.

                                                                      (c) Matt Lloyd,
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