Page 12 - The Real truth about Traffic
P. 12

Let‟s End The Myth Once And

                                                        For All…

          There is no such thing as FREE traffic.

          All traffic has a cost: time or money.

          So- if you are going to try to 'fly' doesn't it make sense to at least build the glider first, and
               then to strap on the engine?

          Doesn‟t it make sense to build an aircraft that can fly, before you add power?

          Doesn't it make sense to design a website that can convert traffic into sales before you
               even think about getting traffic?

          Traffic + Conversions = Sales

          Most (especially newbies) think it's:  Traffic = Sales

          2000: went on a traffic rampage... they spent millions on superbowl ads... in less
               than 1 year- were out of business.

                                                                      (c) Matt Lloyd,
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