Page 13 - DURHAM CITIZEN - JULY 20TH 2021_Neat
P. 13

July 20, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                          13

        JN Money launches Direct to Account

        Remittance Services for Guyana

        JN Money, a member company of   wanted a fast, safe and convenient
        the  Jamaica  National  Group,  has   method to send funds to Guyana;
        launched  its  “direct-to-account   and also for their friends and loved   “
        remittances  services  to  Guyana,”   ones to be able to access the funds
        which allow persons sending funds   without  hassle.  This  is  why  we   We continue to research and interact with our customers about
        to that CARICOM country, on the   introduced  the  direct  to  account   how we can provide convenient ways to send and receive funds.
                                                                       Based on the feedback from our customers, we realized that
        South  American  coast,  to  be   option, for our Guyanese market as   many wanted a fast, safe and convenient method to send funds
        transferred  directly  to  the   well,” he added.              to Guyana; and also for their friends and loved ones to be
        recipients’ accounts.         Mr Hines noted that, “The COVID-  able to access the funds without hassle. This is why we
        The  service, which was  launched   19  pandemic  has  also  made   introduced the direct to account option,
        on  June  7,  gives  persons  sending   customers  more  amenable  to   for our Guyanese market as well.”
        funds  from  the  United  States  of   online  services.  As,  prior  to  the
        America,  the  United  Kingdom,   pandemic, some customers prefer           - Mr. Horace Hines,
        Canada, and The Cayman Islands,   visiting a branch or agent location,   General Manager, JN Money Services
        the  option  to  send  funds  to  six   to send or receive funds, because of
        banks  in  Guyana.  These  banks   the interaction with people.
        include, the Republic Bank (GUY)   “However,  COVID-19  has  opened   UK,  or  The  Cayman  Islands,  and
        Limited;  Guyana  Bank  for  Trade   up  their  minds  to  sending  funds   i n f o r m   t h e   J N   M o n e y
        and Industry; Bank of Nova Scotia;   online;  or  receiving  it  in  their   representative that they want the
        Citizens  Bank  Limited;  New   accounts; and this has provided an   funds  to  be  deposited  to  an
        Building Society and the Demerara   opportunity for us to advise them   account, and provide the name and
        Bank Limited.                 that online was an option. I am also   account number of the recipient.
        “We  continue  to  research  and   positive that, with more persons in   He  added  that  customers  could
        interact with our customers about   Guyana being able to receive funds   a l s o    l o g    o n    t o
        how  we  can  provide  convenient   directly  into  their  accounts,  even  to send
        ways  to  send  and  receive  funds,”   more  senders  will  opt  for  this   funds  directly  to  the  recipient’s
        explained  Mr.  Horace  Hines,   method,  because  it  is  a  safe   bank account.
        General  Manager,  JN  Money   alternative,” he affirmed.    In  2020,  remittances  to  Guyana   direct-to-account  service  will   many  countries;  therefore,  our
        Services, owners, and operators of   Mr. Hines revealed that the service   totaled  US$416.27  million,  which   impact positively on the country’s   service  will  encourage  more
        the JN Money brand.           was easy to use; and can be done   represented  11  percent  of  the   economy.         persons to send funds home which
        “Based on the feedback from our   simply  by  visiting  a  JN  Money   country’s Gross Domestic Product.   “Remittances  are  an  important   will  also  impact  the  Guyanese
        customers, we realized that many   location in the USA, Canada, the   Mr. Hines believes the JN Money’s   source of foreign exchange for   economy positively,” he affirmed.

        Govt must be held to account for                                                           C C A R I C O M   c l o s e l y  m o n i t o r i n g
                                                                                                   CARICOM closely monitoring
        the 1,000 COVID deaths as T&T                                                              unrest in nearby Cuba
                                                                                                   u u
        record grim milestone
                                                                                                    The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) said it has “taken
                                                                                                    note” of the protests taking place in Cuba and called for a
        The  United  National  Congress  (UNC)  is  calling  on   pushed  the  death  toll  from  COVID-19  to  620  since   “return to calm and peaceful assembly and dialogue”.
        government to account for how it has been handling   March  last year  with  this  month  accounting  for  98   At least one person has died and more than 100 have been
        the  COVID-19  pandemic  in  this  country,  given  the   deaths.                           arrested, including independent journalists and opposition
        milestone of 1,000 lives lost on Tuesday 20 July 2021.  The authorities said that 123 new cases were reported   activists, with President Miguel Diaz-Canel denouncing the
        In a strongly worded statement, the UNC argues that   on Tuesday, pushing the total number of positives in   distribution of what he said were “false images” of the unrest
        despite  the  Opposition’s  best  efforts,  the  Rowley   the country to 24,435.             that rocked the Spanish speaking communist island recently.
        Administration refused to heed good advice or accept   There are 114 people in the hospitals and 29 patients in   Thousands had joined in the biggest protests for decades last
        assistance, and made decisions which turned out to be   the Intensive Care Units. A total of 20,581 citizens have   week complaining about the collapse of the economy, food
        to the detriment of T&T.                    been healed, including 180 in the past 24 hours. There   and medicine shortages, price hikes and the government’s
        “What is most astonishing is that roughly 800 of these   are also 955 infected people in isolation.  handling of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
        deaths have occurred in just the past 3 months, during   In  Guyana,  the  death  of  an  82-year-old  woman  on
        the very State of Emergency which was supposed to   Tuesday, pushed the death toll to 514 since March last
        prevent  such  an  outbreak,”  the  UNC  statement   year.                                  St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves
        observes.                                   The Ministry of Public Health said that the woman   rejected completely what he termed “the attempts by certain
        It adds: “The United National Congress has used every   from  Region  4  (Demerara-Mahaica),  died  while   unprincipled forces” to reverse the Cuban Revolution.
        constitutional means to try to prevent Trinidad and   receiving care at a medical facility.
        Tobago from reaching this distressing state…  It is the   It said that there were 62 new recorded cases of the
        failed Health Team—which has refused to accept any   virus pushing the confirmed cases to 21,668 with 19,   “The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has taken note of
        responsibility in this matter—that needs to be held to   with 993 having recovered.         the protests taking place in Cuba brought about by socio-
        account, not the population…                The ministry said that 12 persons are in the ICU, while   economic challenges, further exacerbated by the effects of the
        ”Trinidad and Tobago became the second Caribbean   1,144 are in isolation with 1,052 isolating at home.  COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of natural hazards,” the
        Community  (CARICOM)  country  to  register  more   St. Lucia recorded three new cases of the virus from a   Guyana-based CARICOM Secretariat said in a statement.
        than 1,000 COVID-19 related deaths since the onset of   batch of 147 samples taken during the period July 15-19.  It said the 15-member regional grouping “calls for the
        the pandemic.                               The  Ministry  of  Health  and  Wellness  said   cessation of violence and vandalism and for a return to calm
        Jamaica  is  the  other  CARICOM  country  registering   confirmation had also been received that 11 individuals   and peaceful assembly and dialogue.
        more the milestone with the latest figures indicating   diagnosed  with  COVID-19  had  recovered  while  the
                                                                                                    “The Community reiterates its calls for the immediate lifting
        that the island had now 1,158 deaths as a result of the   total number of active cases in the country to date is 97.
                                                                                                    of the trade, financial and economic sanctions as recently
        virus.                                      It said presently, all of the active cases are doing well.
                                                                                                    reiterated by the United Nations General Assembly,” it added.
        Jamaica also has 51,282 confirmed cases of the virus, of   The  new  cases  bring  the  total  number  of  cases
                                                                                                    St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Barbados have issued
        which  3,046  are  active.  The  country  also  recorded   diagnosed in the country to date to 5484.
                                                                                                    separate statements urging The United States to lift the
        46,724 recoveries.                          As of July 19, a total of 31, 723 individuals have received
                                                                                                    decades old trade and economic embargo on Cuba which they
        The latest bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health in   the  first dose of  the  COVID-19 vaccine and  23,  329
                                                                                                    blame for the socio-economic problems in the country.
        Trinidad and Tobago noted that two deaths over the   individuals have received the second dose.
                                                                                                    “All the Embargo has achieved is an unjustified punishment of
        last 24 hours had pushed the total to 1,000, and that   “As we continue to be at risk for the introduction of the
                                                                                                    Cuba and unleashed a series of painful outcomes for its
        there are 5,691 active cases.               COVID-19 variants,  the  public  is  advised  to  remain
                                                                                                    people. It has not succeeded in isolating Cuba from the rest of
        There are 301 patients in hospitals, 146 people in state   vigilant and adhere to the public health measures. It is
                                                                                                    right-thinking nations in the international community,” said
        quarantine facilities, and 5,150 people in home self-  important that everyone make it a priority to protect
                                                                                                    Barbados Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Dr
        isolation.                                  the health and safety of themselves, family, friends,
                                                                                                    Jerome Walcott.
        The authorities here said that the number of people   colleagues and others.
                                                                                                    St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Dr Ralph
        tested in public and private facilities is 255,325, with   “Let us all remember that we are still managing the
                                                                                                    Gonsalves rejected completely what he termed “the attempts
        262,976 people having received their first vaccine dose,   COVID-19 pandemic and therefore everyone should
                                                                                                    by certain unprincipled forces” to reverse the Cuban
        while 174,992 people had received their second dose.  take the necessary measures to reduce the spread of the   Revolution.
        In  Suriname,  six  deaths  in  the  past  24  hours,  have   COVID-19 virus,” the ministry added.
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