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16                                                                                                                                                                                                            July 20, 2021

                                       EAMING LIVE THIS W
                             S STREAMING LIVE THIS WEEKEND:
                             STREAMING LIVE THIS WEEKEND:

                                                         TORONTO’S PREMIERE

                                 INDO CARIBBEAN FESTIVAL

                                             its eighth year, it’s quickly become a staple   huge supporter of working with the   Persaud, The Band Destiny (Toronto),
                                             event for the city of Brampton and the only   community and especially with the youth.   Shakti Strings Band (Guyana), Freestyle
                                             cultural event of its kind in Canada,   His joy comes from being able to promote   Band (Suriname), Drumzey Entertainment
                                             focused on Indo-Caribbean roots and   and showcase the talent that is found in the   (Trinidad) and SR Music (Holland). By this
                                             community.                           Indo-Caribbean community.This year the   point, you would have learned some dance
                                             One of ChutneyFest strengths has been its   festival takes place virtually, right from your   moves, tested them out and listened to the
                                             ability to bring together not only the Indo  screen. It includes a stellar line up of   an amazing array of Chutney music.
                                             Caribbean community at home and from   reputable and up and coming Chutney Soca   Now you get to take in a one of a kind
                                             abroad, but also communities and cultures   artists, performers and talent. The emcees   singing competition, Toronto’s Own
                  S t t
                  Stephen Nananephen Nananephen Nanan
           Executive and Cultural PresidentExecutive and Cultural President
           Executive and Cultural President  across Brampton.                     guiding you through these two nights are   Chutney Soca Singing Competition;
                                             One of biggest attractions to ChutneyFest is   Vashtie Doorga, Curtis B, MC Nadzzz,   ChutneyFest Champion.
                                             the caliber of artists that come from not   Ivana Gobin, Sudhier Nannan and DJ Angel   This year the hopeful contestants are:
        A two day virtual indo-caribbean event   only the Brampton area and across North   who will be creating an inviting   Connector, Randy B, Queen Yasmin, Yangki
        with music, culture, performances and so   America but also around the world. This   atmosphere for those who not so familiar   Tiny Beti, Malibu, Navin Yankaran, John
        much more. On Saturday, July 24th &   year, ChutneyFest’s artist include bands   with Chutney music, and for those who   Sankar, TriniStyles, Kishen, and Yax Vaidya.
        Sunday July 25th, ChutneyFest will be   from Trinidad, Guyana, Surimane, Holland   ready to put on their dancing shoes.  Finally, to top it off will be the live
        hosting their 8th annual Indo-Caribbean   and from right here in Toronto. They will   For those who are new to the world of   headlining performances by some of the
        festival. An event that was traditionally a   also be showcasing headlining acts (from   Chutney music, you can learn some   most popular Chutney artists including:
        one day event has now grown and elevated   across the country), dancers,   amazing moves from the dance       Master Saleem, Reshma Ramlal, Navin
        into a two-day event. Two days with even   instrumentalists and so much culture &   performances put on by: Footstep   Prabhoo, Dubraj, Vicadi Singh, Rajesh
        more music, dance, culture and energy.  history. Another one of our              Diamond Dancers, Diaina      Sylvester, Nigel Gobin, Tony Cuttz, Shrija S
        Chutney music is a form of music that is   popular attractions is                   Boodram, STCC Dance       and Sandesh Sewdien.
        immensely popular in Trinidad and Tobago,   ChutneyFest Champion.                     Academy, Footsteps      The Canadian Indo-Caribbean Festival
        Guyana, Suriname, Fiji, Mauritius, and    A one of a kind singing                       Firecrackers, Naya    team are very thankful to all of their
        South Africa. It is a mixture of Bhojpuri   competition showcasing                       Masala Dancers (from   supporters, especially the City of Brampton
        music (music from India), with many   the Indo-Caribbean                                  Trinidad), Footsteps   who has been a key supporter of the event
        influences from the traditional Calypso,   talent from right here                          Dance School, IND   for several years. Some of the other
        Soca and Bollywood genres.           in Toronto. All                                      Dance, Ash Dance,   sponsors you can look out for on Saturday,
        ChutneyFest is an annual celebration of the   competing for the                           Footsteps Sisters,   July 24th & Sunday, July 25th are: OLG,
        Indo Caribbean culture that is extended to   ChutneyFest                                  Divinity Dream Team,   Century 21 (Nigel Mohan), Airway CPAP,
        audiences across the City of Brampton,   Champion Title and                               Divinity Dancers,   Taj92.3FM, Trishul Radio, Can-Carib,
        GTA, throughout Ontario, as well as visitors   various prizes.    Hailey Mohan           Hailey Mohan, SA     Durham Citizen News, TV6, Accutec,
                                                                          Hailey Mohan
                                                                          Hailey Mohan
        from abroad. ChutneyFest is a festival that   With the help and   One of the dancers    Squared, and the      Radica’s Hot & Spicy, Indo Caribbean
                                                                        One of the dancers
                                                                        One of the dancers
        celebrates diversity and inclusion and is   dedication of ChutneyFest’s   performing  Tropicana Queens.       World, CanAmex, Long & Mcquade, Astra
        open to families to support          committee members, they                        Once you’ve learnt those   Medispa, and iPro Realty (Muneeb Ahmed
        intergenerational and community      continue to contribute toward the           moves, you can test them out to   Sued).
        connections. As they have moved to   development of programs and events   musical performances by: New Image, GTA   It will definitely be a night to remember.
        streaming it virtually, audiences from   promoting artists and showcasing the   United, Toronto All Stars, Mississauga   For more information you can check them
        across the US, the Caribbean, India, South   talent and wonderful culture of the Indo-  Tassa Kings, Sawan Kanota, LoveSound,   out on Facebook, Instagram at
        America, Holland and England will be able   Caribbean community.          Jamil Premji Violin, D-Generation Tassa   ChutneyFest, or visit their website at
        to enjoy it. With ChutneyFest approaching   President Stephen Nanan continues to be a   from Trinidad, Neil Surujdeo, Karam
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