Page 14 - DURHAM CITIZEN - JULY 20TH 2021_Neat
P. 14
14 July 20, 2021
“ The study found that most of those alcohol-related cancer cases worldwide were HEALTH &LIFESTYLE
associated with heavier drinking patterns, but researchers estimated that light to
moderate drinking — around one or two drinks per day — contributed to more
than 100,000 cases in 2020, or one in seven.
Alcohol consumption linked to thousands of
cancer cases in Canada in 2020: Study
TORONTO — Researchers from "People say, 'Well, everything that the link between light to
the Centre for Addiction and causes cancer,' but I would stress moderate drinking and cancer is
Mental Health say alcohol was that alcohol is a Class 1 carcinogen relatively new.
linked to thousands of cancer cases defined by IARC," study co-author Rehm added that he doesn't think
in Canada last year, and that even Kevin Shield, a scientist at CAMH's public policy reflects the degree of
mild to moderate drinking poses Institute for Mental Health Policy cancer risk and he recommended
risk of developing the disease in the Research, said Wednesday. interventions including higher
future. "This study establishes that it's a taxes on alcohol sales, limiting
Those findings are part of a leading cause of cancer globally, availability and marketing, and
modelling study from the World and with increases in alcohol adding cancer-risk warnings to
H e a l t h O r g a n i z a t i o n ' s consumption (during the COVID- beverage labels.
International Agency for Research 19 pandemic), we are going to see it "With alcohol-related cancers, all
on Cancer (IARC) that was go up even further." levels of consumption are
published this week in the journal IARC includes 121 cancer-causing associated with some risk," he said.
Lancet Oncology. agents on its list of Class 1 CAMH said their clinic has treated
The global study estimates the carcinogens on its website, approximately 3,600 patients in
effect of alcohol consumption on including alcohol, tobacco, the last year for alcohol use
cancers worldwide, suggesting four ultraviolet radiation and outdoor disorder, with Shield adding that
per cent of newly diagnosed cases air pollution. Alcohol can worsen Canada saw an increase in
in 2020 may have been associated the cancer-causing effects of other associated cancer cases, compared other possible cancer-causing consumption, especially during
with drinking alcohol. substances such as tobacco, the with 23 per cent for women factors like smoking, obesity and lockdown periods.
In Canada, researchers said alcohol study said. ( 17 2 , 6 0 0 ) . C a n ce r s o f t h e sexually transmitted diseases. While some increases could be
use was linked to 7,000 new cancer Shield said there are many ways in esophagus, liver, and breast "We're making sure statistically temporary due to pandemic-
cases in 2020, including 24 per cent which alcohol consumption can accounted for the largest number we're taking out those factors so it's related stress, researchers said that
of breast cancer cases, 20 per cent lead to cancer, but the main of cases. only alcohol," he said. could lead to potentially harmful
of colon cancers, 15 per cent of mechanism is by damaging DNA. Modelling for the study was based The findings led the study's habits.
rectal cancers, and 13 per cent of "It takes a key number of mutations on data from alcohol exposure, authors to call for greater public “There are people that are very, very
oral and liver cancers. in your DNA to cause cancer. But including surveys and sales figures, awareness of the association at-risk for developing cancer now
The study found that most of those over time, what happens is those from several countries. The data between cancer and alcohol, due to the COVID 19 pandemic,"
alcohol-related cancer cases damages accumulate," he said. "So was combined with relative risk urging for increased government Shield said. "We're likely to see an
worldwide were associated with unfortunately, (if) you drink today, estimates for cancer based on level i n t e r v e n t i o n s t o r e d u c e increase in our cancer ratesdue to
heavier drinking patterns, but you drink tomorrow, you drink the of consumption. consumption in worst-affected o u r i n c r e a s e i n a l c o h o l
researchers estimated that light to next day, every drinking occasion is Shield said researchers looked at regions. consumption.”
moderate drinking — around one increasing your risk.” epidemiology studies from large Study co-author Jürgen Rehm, a
o r t w o d r i n k s p e r d a y — The study estimates that globally, international cohorts — including senior scientist at CAMH's -Melissa Couto Zuber,
contributed to more than 100,000 men accounted for 77 per cent Canada, Europe, China and Institute for Mental Health Policy The Canadian Press
cases in 2020, or one in seven. (568,700 cases) of alcohol- Australia — and controlled for Research, said in a press release
Survey: Racism harms workplace
relationships in Canada
Canada, but only one in three people surveyed said the
country has made progress tackling racism in the past
More than 60 per cent of people said the biggest
challenge in solving racial injustice is changing the
attitudes of people who are racist, while nearly 40 per
cent said the biggest challenge is changing systems
that are racist.
Meanwhile, the research found the vast majority of HOW TO TALK TO YOUR
Canadians expect CEOs to take some form of action to
address racism and racial injustice.
It also found that brands and corporations that take a PARENTS ABOUT AGING
stand against racism are far more likely to gain
consumer trust than lose it.
Still, over half the people surveyed said brands and When our parents get older it can be hard to step up and take on
companies that issue a statement in support of racial the role of the “adult.” Whether you need your mom to stop
equality need to follow it up with concrete action to driving - or talk to your dad about going into assisted living. It’s
avoid being seen by consumers as exploitative or as not an easy conversation to have. So here’s how to go about it.
opportunistic. This advice comes from David Solie, a psychologist who
Actions that improved a company's reputation specializes in aging issues.
included replacing a racist logo, jingle or product name He wrote the book, “How To Say It To Seniors.” And he says to
TORONTO — Racism is harming workplace with one that is non-racist and creating a nationwide start by saying, “I’m worried.” That puts the onus on you - so your
dynamics in Canada, with nearly 80 per cent of Black campaign to raise awareness regarding systemic parent won’t feel attacked. Then explain why you’re worried, like,
Canadians saying racism has damaged their racism. “I’m scared something will happen to you if you’re living alone
relationship with their employer, according to new Nearly a third of Canadians said they have started or and I’m not close enough to help.” And use facts, like “You had an
research released recently. stopped using a brand in the past year because of its episode recently that sent you to the hospital.”
That's nearly double the reported response from the response to protests against systemic racism and calls If your parent resists and says, “I’m fine,” ask this… “How will you
general population and is followed closely by South for racial justice. know when you’re not fine? How will you know when it’s time to
Asian employees, with nearly two-thirds also reporting Edelman said the survey includes an oversample of go live in a facility that can look out for you?” That’ll force your
that workplace racism has damaged their employer racialized people, with a special focus on Indigenous parent to really consider the consequences. But you’re also
relationship. Peoples. empowering them to make a decision for themselves. If you still
The findings, included in the 2021 Edelman Trust According to the polling industry’s generally accepted don’t see eye to eye, enlist the help of their doctor. A lot of times,
Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice standards, online surveys cannot be assigned a margin people would rather take advice from someone without an
in Canada, are based on an online survey of more than of error because they do not randomly sample the emotional connection - and they’ll take the recommendation of
2,000 Canadians. population. an expert more seriously.
The research found racism is a growing concern in The Canadian Press