Page 13 - DURHAM CITIZEN - SEPT 29TH 2021
P. 13

September 21, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                              13


        CWI head Ricky Skerritt calls Windies World

        Cup squad a ‘rich mixture’ despite criticism

        President  of  Cricket  West  Indies   winning  West  Indian  spirit  of   squad  including  the  selection  of
        (CWI) Ricky Skerritt is calling on   passion and unity, in the face of a   42-year-old Chris Gayle. Sherfane
        We s t   I n d i e s   c r i c k e t   f a n s   global battle. The West Indies team   Rutherford,  Akeal  Hosein,  Jason
        everywhere,  to  throw  their  full   are  going  in  pursuit  of   an   Holder, Odean Smith, Sunil Narine
        support  behind  the  West  Indies   unprecedented  third  T20  World   and  Romario  Shepherd  were
        team  when  they  defend  the   title.                     among  the  players  not  chosen.
        International  Cricket  Council   “The selectors have produced a fit-  Hosein and Holder are two of four
        (ICC)  T20  World  Cup  title  from   for-purpose squad which is a rich   travelling reserves on the squad.  Former West Indies captain and
        October 17-November 14.       mixture of experienced leadership,   The selection panel, led by Roger   one of the world’s leading allrounder,
        With  the  countdown  already  on   proven  match-winners,  and   Harper,  was  also  criticised  for   Jason Holder was a surprise omission
        towards the start of the marquee   youthful talent,” Skerritt said in a   giving  some  players  medical   from the original squad. Nevertheless,
        event in the United Arab Emirates   CWI media release, on Saturday.  exemptions.  Those  players,   President of Cricket West Indies Ricky
        (UAE)  and  Oman,  Skerritt  has   Former  West  Indies  players  and   including  Gayle,  did  not  have  to   Skerritt is calling on the fans everywhere,
        asked  the  fan  base  and  all   stakeholders have criticised some   m e e t   t h e   s a m e   fi t n e s s   to throw their full support behind the team
        stakeholders  to  help  create  a   of the selections on the 15-man   requirements  as  some  of  the   when they defend the International Cricket
                                                                   younger players.                Council (ICC) T20 World Cup title from
                                                                   Rutherford, Smith and Narine did   October 17-November 14.
                                                                   not meet the fitness standard.
                                                                   Skerritt  said  the  team  needs  the
                                                                   backing of the entire region.  was  staged  in  2016,  West  Indies   they will have a training camp
                                                                   “For  the  first  time  for  years,  the   spectacularly beat England at Eden   before  fine-tuning  the  final
                                                                   selectors had good options within a   Gardens  in  Kolkata,  to  capture   preparations,  including  warm-up
                                                                   growing  pool  of  exciting  West   their  second  title.  The  first  T20   matches  against  Pakistan  and
                                                                   Indian talent.  But this  is a  major   World  Cup  victory  came  in  2012   India.
                                                                   w o r l d   t o u r n a m e n t ,   n o t   a   when  they  beat  Sri  Lanka  at  the   West  Indies  have  been  drawn  in
                                                                   development  tour.  All  the  best   Premadasa  Stadium  in  Colombo.   group one and will play five group
                                                                   teams in the world will be setting   West Indies have also reached the   games  against  England,  South
                                                                   out to dethrone the West Indies as   semi-finals on two occasions – in   Africa and Australia along with the
                                                                   defending  champions.  And  just   2009  in  England  and  2014  in   winner  of  group  A  (Sri  Lanka,
                                                                   coping with the discomfort of an   Bangladesh.            Ireland,  the  Netherlands,  and
                                                                   ongoing  covid19  bubble  will  be   Head coach Phil Simmons will be   Namibia) and the runner-up from
                                                                   tough  enough  for  the  players.  So   looking  to  make  it  back-to-back   group  B  (Bangladesh,  Scotland,
                                                                   the mental toughness of our team   titles  as  he  was  the  mastermind   Papua New Guinea, and Oman).
                                                                   will be stiffly tested both on and off   behind  the  title  success  in  2016.   West  Indies  will  open  their
                                                                   the field. That is at least one good   Captain Pollard will also be looking   campaign  against  England  in
                                                                   reason  why  they  deserve  our   for a second world title as he was an   Dubai on October 23.
                                                                   support. If you are a West Indian   influential  member  of  the  squad
                                                                   fan,  then  this  is  your  team  no   which won in 2012.  SQUAD: Kieron Pollard (captain),
                                                                   matter which territory the players   We s t   I n d i e s   h a v e   s h o w n   Nicholas Pooran (vice-captain),
                                                                   hail from.                   encouraging form this year in the   Fabian Allen, Dwayne Bravo,
                                                                   “A  successful  World  Cup  journey   build-up to the tournament. They   Roston Chase, Andre Fletcher,
                                                                   requires that all of us; who love and   contested four CG Insurance T20I   Chris Gayle, Shimron Hetmyer,
                                                                   support  the game, and who  have   home  series  against  Sri  Lanka,   Evin Lewis, Obed McCoy, Ravi
                                                                   seriously  studied  the  fortunes  of   South  Africa,  Australia,  and   Rampaul, Andre Russell, Lendl
                                                                   West Indies cricket; come together   Pakistan. They played 17 matches –   Simmons, Oshane Thomas,
                                                                   and send positive vibes to captain   winning eight, losing six and three   Hayden Walsh Jnr.
                                                                   (Kieron) Pollard and the members   no results due to rain.  TRAVELLING RESERVES:
                                                                   of his squad, no matter what.”  The squad will start assembling in   Darren Bravo, Sheldon Cottrell,
                                                                   The last time the T20 World Cup   the UAE in early October, where   Jason Holder, Akeal Hosein


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