Page 14 - DURHAM CITIZEN - SEPT 29TH 2021
P. 14
14 September 21, 2021
APPRECIATING repeatedly shown that when we
are thankful for the good in our
life, the good grows and we have
more of it. The opposite, sadly, is
THE GOOD THAT LIFE also true: When we fail to
appreciate the good, when we take
it for granted, the good
HAS TO OFFER depreciates.
You might want to keep abreast of
all that you are blessed with, by
appreciating the good, more good
things are likely to come your way.
Simply taking a minute each day
Falling victim to wants and insecurities is human nature - to express gratitude will turn out
it’s what happens when you look at what other people have to have far-reaching
that you do not and begin to make comparisons.
Like feeling happier, more
You may wish that you had a bigger house, or nicer car, determined, more energetic, and
or that you could travel more, or get a promotion at work. more optimistic. Multiple studies
“A standard habit of the mind is to take careful note of have shown that those who
expressed gratitude were also
what’s not right in our lives and and obsess about all
more generous and more likely to
that’s missing,” one psychologist noted.
offer support to others. They also
slept better, exercised more, and
Human beings have a knee-jerk to take careful note of what’s not “It is extremely rare to delight in invitation to bracket anxieties and experienced fewer symptoms of
tendency to scan for what’s not right in our lives and and obsess flowers, or a quiet evening at keep self-criticism at bay. physical illness.
working, from a slow-moving line about all that’s missing,” one home, a cup of tea or a walk in the The experience of gratitude is a How can it be that simply taking
at the grocery store to a rut in a psychologist noted. woods, when one is under 22,” the small resting place for hope in our some time to appreciate the good
relationship, so it’s easy to notice However, fixating on all the things psychologist says. “There are so busy and in our life has such major positive
when things haven’t gone our way you feel you lack can cause you to many larger, grander, things to be sometimes stressful lives. effects? Some of the world’s
in a while. miss out on noticing what it is you concerned about: romantic love, You tend to appreciate the slice of leading psychologists suggest that
But what if we shifted our already have. By taking a moment career fulfillment, and political toast, the friendly encounter, the being grateful triggers a positive
attention a fraction - toward to pause, you can give yourself the change.” long walk, the holding of spiral of growth and well-being.
what hasn’t gone wrong? Like opportunity to notice, However, as time wears on, almost comforting hands, and properly When you think of all you can be
celebrating what’s going right, acknowledge and feel thankful everyone faces setbacks - careers keep in mind how much worse it grateful for, when you take stock,
right now. The dawn of a new day for the things in your life that shift, relationships crumble, and could, and probably will, one day you feel better. When you feel
waking up to God. Water in the have not gone wrong. even your strongest personal be. better, you become more open to -
taps. Like: “The house is looking beliefs are challenged. Amidst The word appreciate has two and are more likely to notice and
Falling victim to wants and beautiful at the moment, we’re in times of failure and uncertainty, meanings. The first is to be pursue - positive experiences. You
insecurities is human nature - pretty good health all things you begin to have a greater thankful - the opposite of taking then have more to be grateful for,
it’s what happens when you look considered, the afternoon sun is appreciation for life’s small something for granted - and the which in turn improves the
at what other people have that deeply reassuring, sometimes the victories. second is to increase in value, the quality of your life, and so on. You
you do not and begin to make children are kind, our partner is - Little things start to seem way we say that assets appreciate can begin this positive spiral of
comparisons. You may wish that at points - very generous…” somewhat different. No longer a when their value rises. When it happiness at any moment by
you had a bigger house, or nicer You’ll age with grace - and petty distraction from a mighty comes to the role that choosing to reflect on the things
car, or that you could travel more, gratitude. The thing is: Gratitude destiny, no longer an insult to appreciation plays in our life, for which you are grateful.
or get a promotion at work. is an emotion that flourishes as ambition, but a genuine pleasure both these meanings are relevant. When you appreciate the good,
“A standard habit of the mind is you age. amidst a litany of troubles, an Psychological research has the good appreciates.
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of the Universe
ARIES: (Born between 21st March & 20th April) LIBRA: (Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)
Someone else can be more willing to compromise than you expect. Any decisions you make now, especially if they are connected to
They need to become aware of what is an important priority to you. leisure, pleasure or even travel need to be flexible as they could reverse
Discussion on this needs to be open. Part of this process might require in some way from late September to mid October. Patience now will
to you spell out the responsibilities you are willing to accept. They pay dividends later. There could be some surprises when it comes to
won’t be willing to take on obligations on your behalf. finances involving yourself and somebody else.
TAURUS: (Born between 21st April & 20th May) SCORPIO: (Born between 23rd October & 21st November)
There can be some unexpected and perhaps exciting developments You could be encouraged by somebody else to do as you please. There
involving other people. Most important is that you maintain your is too much going on behind the scenes for you to be entirely clear in
independence in some way, mainly because you will not really know any situation. There are things coming to the final stages that will
what is going on behind the scenes in their life. None of this will begin allow you to eventually establish matters in a stable manner that can
to emerge until early November. Just go with the flow. be relied upon. This won’t happen until early November
GEMINI: (Born between 21st May & 20th June) SAGITTARIUS: (Born between 22nd November & 21st December)
You will prefer to view the future with an attitude of optimism, though A family matter could either come to a head or reach a conclusion.
you may worry about the control somebody else could have when it Something might need to be worked out on the financial side for you
comes to being able to fulfil your goals. Being restless to travel is to be satisfied. Anything related to finances that you want to see
another possibility. This will encourage you to make future plans. Best fulfilled will take persistent effort perhaps combined with information
from November onwards to see them materialise. gathering or coming to agreements to early November.
CANCER: (Born between 21st June & 22nd July) CAPRICORN: (Born between 22nd December & 19th January)
Any discussion you want to have with another person about altering There could be a lot of social activity that you hadn’t necessarily
the structure of something or the way things have always been done, planned on. It can be different and surprisingly enjoyable. Even so,
needs to be carefully broached. They are unlikely to reject your you cannot allow yourself to become distracted as there will be
suggestions outright but they may need time to think about it. There responsibilities to take care of that will more likely be connected to
is a strong likelihood they will accept your ideas. work or obligations that can’t be changed. Soldier on.
LEO: (Born between 23rd July & 22nd August) AQUARIUS: (Born between 20th January & 18th February)
If you need to find out information from other people, this should be You will encourage yourself to take an optimistic view of the future,
relatively easy to gain. If it requires effort on their part or sorting out even though you can sense underlying control that is not exactly clear.
details, this is where things can get held up or fall down. It could take You are in a good position to create something you would like in the
persistence on your part to move this along and it may not be until future. Don’t lose sight of this because it will go through some hold
early November that you would feel entirely satisfied. ups but move ahead from early November.
VIRGO: (Born between 23rd August & 22nd September) PISCES: (Born between 19th February & 20th March)
You could recognise that somebody else needs to be more realistic. The Full Moon this week occurs in your own sign while linking to
Don’t allow their situation to either affect you financially or put you powerful Pluto. This will enable you to take stock of where things
under pressure when it comes to what you need to handle on a daily stand right now on a personal level and provide you with the
basis. You may want to be generous but it could eventually leave you opportunity to take better control, if necessary, to get your priorities
feeling as though you are the one slaving away. in place. There can be more support available than you realise.