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September 21, 2021 11
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Do You Know Someone Retiring in 2021 and Can Use The Advice of a 32 Year Experienced Retirement Specialist?
Is your Asset Preservation Plan Cost Effective?
Is there a correlation between the Mike and Stacy have 4 options or Asset Preservation Plan and
price of an item and it’s net cost? Of choice of accounts; deposit ($_____. __) a month over
course, there is, for retailers, cost vs a) they can simply open a daily the next 25 years at a ___% rate of
price determines their profit savings interest at their bank and return to realize a cash account of
margin; likewise, with financial deposit $1,470 a month over the $500,000; however, option ‘d’
services, you can pay for a product next 25 years at a 1% compounded comes with a ‘bonus’; a required
with before or after-tax dollars; the rate of return to accomplish their tax-free death benefit; it’s net cost,
savings components; if properly goal of $500,000… courtesy of our tax deferral
structured can greatly reduce or b) they can open a GIC at their bank strategy.
eliminate the net cost of that and deposit $1,290 a month over Yo u s e e , n o n - r e g i s t e r e d
product. t h e n e x t 25 ye a r s a t a 2 % investments are subject to annual
The Asset Preservation Plan was compounded rate of return to taxation; when you set up a tax-
designed to be the most cost- reach their goal is $500,000… deferral account; your tax savings
effective strategy to preserve your c) they can invest in a mutual or reduces the net cost of the APP. For
assets; assets which will have segregated fund portfolio and instance, if you earned a 5% rate of
significant future value? Here is a deposit $985 a month over the next return and you are at a 40% tax
well-known strategy which 25 years at a 4% compounded rate bracket; you actually earned 3%;
touches on this point; the annual of return to achieve their goal of not 5%.
RRSP contribution. Retirement & Estate Planning multiple options and can benefit $500,000… A tax-deferral strategy uses that 2%
If you borrowed money to top up Specialist of The Money Café; we from this strategy. The Money Café d) they can create the Money Café’s savings to your advantage.
your RRSP account, you are structure your annuals returns or owns over 12 proprietary strategies
accomplishing two objectives; a) gains to grow tax-deferred until and concepts which are exclusive to
you’re investing for your future and you required your funds, 25-30 our clients. Article; courtesy: Riyad K Mohammed
b) you’re reducing your taxable years in the future or when you As much as the above example Retirement & Estate Planning Specialist
income. Therefore, when you file retire. By doing this, we can apply proves without a shadow of a The Money Café Corp/Retire-Rite Lifestyle Solution™
your income tax return; you will your annual tax savings towards doubt, the difference between cost
receive a tax-refund in line with the ‘cost’ of implementing your and prices, we went one step With over 32 years of Advanced Market Financial Solutions
your tax bracket. Let’s do the math; plan. further and created a marketing experience, Riyad is well suited to help you save money,
if you’re at a 50% tax bracket and To further illustrate this point; piece to illustrate the advantages of reduce taxes, and create a tax-deferral asset for you to draw on…
borrowed $20,000; you should which is a vital part of our process; our Asset Preservation Plan, when Please drop me a line at: and or
(please confirm your numbers with w e c r e a t e a s i d e - b y - s i d e compared to not one but three contact me via Linkedin or Facebook.
your accountant) receive a tax comparative analysis of a regular alternative options.
refund of $10,000 ($20,000 @ 50% open or non-registered investment You can also check out my websites: |
= $10,000). plan with our Asset Preservation Case Study: |
You then take your tax refund and Plan and allow the numbers to do Mike is 40 years old, he has a wife,
reduce your RRSP loan by $10,000; the talking. Stacy and two children, Thomas, Kindest Regards
in reality; you’re paying ONLY As much as I would love to reveal and Samantha, who are 8 and 10 Riyad K Mohammed FA; PWA; RMS
$10,000 for a $20,000 RRSP asset; a the ‘secret sauce’ of the A-to-Z respectively. After meeting with a Advanced Case Specialist/Financial Advisor
100% return; not bad; but, it gets process (its proprietary property of Money Café specialist, Tom and The Money Café Corp
better, this asset will now grow tax- the Money Café); my objective Stacy need to create a non- 1-813 Dundas Street W. Whitby; On; L1N 2N6
deferred until you turn 71. today is to create awareness with registered account to accumulate C: 647.554.2307
Similarly, when you create an Asset our readers and followers, so they $500,000 by the time they turn 65 E: W:
Preservation Plan (APP) with the too can be aware they have in 25 years.
Venezuela renews call for talks
with Guyana on border dispute
Maduro government has accused
President Dr Irfaan Ali told the ongoing
United Nations General Assembly that the oil companies exploring
the dispute remains a threat to Guyana’s offshore Guyana of derailing the
territorial integrity and sovereignty. t i e s b e t we e n G u y a n a a n d
“While we welcome a practical and Venezuela.
satisfactory settlement of the territorial Venezuela warned that the will of
dispute, Guyana cannot be used as the Venezuelan people is firm and
an altar of sacrifice for the settlement it will not abdicate its territorial
of Venezuela’s internal political claim.
differences,” Ali said. “The Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela will always assert its
legitimate rights over the territory
Venezuela recently reiterated a call government said in a statement. issued in Mexico City by which the UNGA of the 1966 Agreement of Guayana Esequiba, through
for direct discussions with Guyana The statement came less than 24 contending internal factions in signed in Geneva, where Venezuela direct negotiations as established
on the border dispute between the hours after President Dr Irfaan Ali Venezuela renewed a baseless consented to allow the UN in the Geneva Agreement and in
two countries, even as it described told the ongoing United Nations claim to two-thirds of Guyana’s Secretary-General to decide on the the spirit of peace that guides our
a s “ m i s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s ” General Assembly (UNGA) that territory. We have responded in means of settlement of this diplomacy,” Caracas said.
Georgetown’s account of the row the dispute remains a threat to clear terms. And I repeat, our controversy. “The Bolivarian Republic of
dating back to several decades. Guyana’s territorial integrity and response now in these hallowed “The Secretary-General decided on Venezuela must emphasize that in
“Let us not forget that this dispute sovereignty. halls in which nations of the world the International Court of Justice various communiqués, notes and
represents the sad colonial He to l d t h e i n te r n a t i o n a l meet in peace and cooperation.” (ICJ). Both parties are, therefore, communications delivered to the
heritage of the United Kingdom to community that while his Venezuela is claiming 70 per cent bound by the Court’s jurisdiction Cooperative Republic of Guyana
this young nation from the process government welcomes efforts to of Guyana’s lands in the Essequibo. and ultimate decision,” he said. and to the UN Secretary General, it
of decolonization of the sixties bring about domestic harmony The land being claimed by the The ICJ on December 18, 2020 has insisted on continuing the
and, like it or not, it must be within Venezuela, agreements that Bolivarian state also covers ruled that it has jurisdiction to hear negotiations as broadly as possible.
resolved in a peaceful, friendly and def y international law and Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone the case brought by Guyana “Venezuela urges Guyana to
mutually acceptable way for both processes must not be the basis for (EEZ) into the lucrative Stabroek concerning the validity of the 1899 abandon the unilateral path of the
parties, as establishes the Geneva mediating such harmony. Block. Arbitral Award against Venezuela’s International Court of Justice,
Agreement in its Preamble, the “Guyana cannot be used as an altar claims that the award was null and which is contrary to the spirit and
purpose of which is to achieve a of sacrifice for the settlement of Against Violence void. nature of the 1966 Geneva
p ra c t i c a l a n d s a t i s f a c to r y Venezuela’s internal political Ali said Guyana does not promote Caracas has been calling on Agreement, the only valid legal
settlement of the territorial differences,” Ali said. the use of violence or threats to Georgetown to abandon the move i n s t r u m e n t t o s e t t l e t h i s
dispute,” The Venezuelan “Just recently, an agreement was settle disputes, reminding the towards the ICJ and the Nicholas controversy.” -Jamaica Gleaner