Page 6 - DURHAM CITIZEN - SEPT 29TH 2021
P. 6

6                                                                                                                                                                                                  September 21, 2021

       EDITORIAL                                     “      O’Toole needs to make his case to caucus and to the party faithful. He surely knows this and will no doubt do it.
                                                            Because if he can’t keep the confidence of his own party, he has no chance of winning the confidence of the nation.


           A AN OPPORTUNITY                                                                                                           Ruskin
                                                                                                                                      Sept. 21
           TO MAKE HIS CASE
           T TO MAKE HIS CASE
           It’s only natural for there to be a debate       The U.S. anti-vax movement is
           already surfacing as to whether or not
           Erin O’Toole should remain as the
           leader of the Conservative Party of
           Canada.                                                   contaminating Canada
           In fact, this question is so natural that
           it’s embedded into the CPC rules, and
           to the rules of many political parties in
           Canada and abroad. It’s called a            Police arrested a man and a woman and charged them with assault in relation to an anti-vaccine
           leadership review.                     protest at the Eaton Centre in Toronto. Videos circulating on social media show police and security guards
           A lot of parties stipulate that if a leader   trying to block  protesters from entering the mall without masks, in violation of public health measures.
           fails to win an election, they must be
           subjected to a review. It’s nothing
           personal. It’s just the rules.       Well,  it  has  finally  happened.  News  this                          approximately  two-thirds  of  the  anti-
           When it comes to the federal         week  of  widespread  and  disruptive  anti-                           vaccine disinformation in America.
           Conservatives, based on their current   vaccine  protests  at  Canadian  medical                            The  third  is  Russian  propaganda,  which
           schedule of events, O’Toole will likely   centres means that America’s destructive,                         promotes anti-vaccine disinformation as a
                                                                                      C C
           face a leadership review in 2023 – when   self-defeating and totally nonsensical anti-  Commentary          means  to  destabilize  the  U.S.  and  other
           the party is scheduled to have its next   vaccine movement has begun crossing the                           democratic  countries,  possibly  including
           policy convention.                   border.                                                                Canada.
           That said, there are also ways that the   As  a  pediatrician,  vaccine-scientist  and   Peter Hotez MD PhD  I don’t have a good sense of what’s driving
           Conservative caucus of MPs can trigger   parent of an adult daughter with autism and                        anti-vaccine  sentiments  in  Canada,  and
           an earlier leadership convention when   intellectual disabilities, I have had a front-                      whether they are similarly linked to health
           they meet in October.                row  seat  to  America’s  anti-vaccine   preservative  formerly  contained  in  many   freedom or far-right leanings. But it worries
           All of this is to say that there’s no need   movement for the last two decades. I’m also   vaccines,  or  spacing  vaccines  too  close   me, especially given what has happened in
           to rush this question.               a lead target, and sometimes known as the   together  and  even  alum  adjuvants.  Each   the U.S. where anti-vaccine expressions are
           There are arguments to be made on    'OG Villain' for writing the book, Vaccines   time we debunked their claims.  often  accompanied  by  vile  Nazi  imagery,
           both sides. O’Toole performed well in   Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism a few years   As the anti-vaccine movement began to lose   and  authoritarian  attitudes.  This  type  of
           that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau   back.                              steam,  they  re-energized  by  acquiring  a   anti-science  aggression  even  extends  to
           thought he’d win a majority but instead   When I learned of this, I had to Google it —   political dimension. Starting around 2014,   targeting  prominent  U.S.  scientists  and
           he still faces a minority. Plus, the   OG means 'original gangster.' My gangster   they  linked  to  the  Republican  Tea  Party   seeks to delegitimize our expertise.
           Conservatives won the popular vote.  status  has  since  accelerated,when  our   rallying  around  libertarian  slogans,   I hope things do not degenerate further in
           More Canadians cast a ballot for     research group at Texas Children’s Hospital   including 'health freedom', which became   Canada.  I  love  the  Canadian  people.  My
           O’Toole’s party than they did for    and Baylor College of Medicine developed a   especially strong in Texas. Large numbers   grandfather,  Morris  (aka  Maurice,  aka
           Trudeau’s Liberals.                  global health COVID-19 vaccine now being   of  parents  opted  their  kids  out  of   Moishe) Goldberg, grew up in the Jewish
           Besides, Stephen Harper lost the 2004   scaled  for  production  in  India  and   vaccinations in the 18 states that permitted   Quarter of Paris, but later immigrated to
           election only to come back next time,   Indonesia.                      non-medical  exemptions  for  personal   Montreal  in  the  1920s,  well  ahead  of  the
           win, and have an enduring legacy as   The  brief  modern  history  of  the  anti-  belief reasons.          Nazi occupation in France. I often say, the
           Prime Minister.                      vaccine  movement  in  America  goes   This  2.0  version  of  the  anti-vaccine   only  reason  I  exist  is  because  of  the
           There are those who will want to argue   something like this: It began following the   movement remains with us today. Starting   goodness  of  the  Canadian  people  who
           the other side though, and say that   publication  of  a  British  clinical  study   in 2020, health freedom expanded to mask   accepted my grandfather. In return, I’m a
           O’Toole only deserves one shot. He   published  in  The  Lancet,  which  is  a   and social distancing protests as far-right   life-long  Habs  fan,  and  there  aren’t  too
           didn’t deliver results any better than   prestigious  medical  journal,  in  1998.  It   elected members of the US Congress and   many of those here in Texas.
           Andrew Scheer did and also pushed the   claimed  that  the  measles-mumps-rubella   several  red-state  governors  openly   But I wish you the best in dealing with what
           party too far away from its conservative   (MMR)  vaccine,  which  is  a  live  virus   questioned either the safety of vaccines, or   is to come. Watch out for it. In the U.S., anti-
           convictions.                         vaccine, has the ability to replicate in the   a n y  t y p e s   o f   COV I D - 1 9   v a c c i n e   vaccine  groups  can  become  extremely
           The answer to this isn’t to be hasty   large intestines of children and somehow   requirements.             aggressive  and  hostile,  and  increasingly
           though. It’s to talk it out. And the main   this led to what was then called pervasive   Not  being  vaccinated  against  COVID-19   they  are  imbued  with  far-right  extremist
           person who should be talking it out is   developmental  disorder,  a  term  formerly   became  a  new  badge  of  allegiance  to   ideologies  and  zeal.  They  also  love  their
           O’Toole himself. O’Toole needs to    used for autism.                   conservatism.  The  result?  Devastating   Nazi imagery.
           make his case to caucus and to the   Ultimately,  the  results  were  shown  to  be   co n s e q u e n ce s.   Ro u g h l y  1 0 0 , 0 0 0   Good luck. You didn’t deserve this.
           party faithful. He surely knows this and   invalid, and the paper was retracted by the   unvaccinated  Americans  have  lost  their
           will no doubt do it.                 journal editors. However, the retraction did   lives to COVID since this spring.  Peter Hotez MD PhD is a Professor of
           Because if he can’t keep the confidence   not officially occur until 2010, and so during   Today,  the  anti-vaccine  movement  has   Pediatrics and Molecular Virology at
           of his own party, he has no chance of   t h e  2 0 0 0 s ,   m a ny  p a re n t s  b e g a n   three major drivers. One of them is anti-  Baylor College of Medicine where he is also
           winning the confidence of the nation.  withholding vaccines from their children.   science  aggression  from  the  far-right,  as   the Texas Children’s Hospital Chair in
           So Conservatives would be well-      Even  after  the  biomedical  community   highlighted above. However, there are also   Tropical Pediatrics.  His latest book is
           advised to let O’Toole make his case   debunked MMR vaccine-autism links, anti-  at least a dozen non-governmental groups   Preventing the Next Pandemic: Vaccine
           and rally the troops around him.     vaccine groups ramped up their assertions.   identified  by  the  Centre  for  Countering   Diplomacy in a Time of Anti-science
                                                They claimed it was the thimerosal   D i g i t a l   H a t e  a s  r e s p o n s i b l e  f o r   (Johns Hopkins University Press)
                           Dur  am
                           z   e        tel: 416-301-9154                  Ruskin Ramsundar      CEO/Publisher     Courtney McLaren     Digital Media
                                                                           Sylvan Naidoo                             CFO
                                                                                                                   Gerard Richardson    Photographer
                                                                           Riyad Mohammed    Associate Editor
                                                                                                                   Robert Ranjitsingh    Photographer
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