Page 3 - DURHAM CITIZEN - SEPT 29TH 2021
P. 3

September 21, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                3

        What the federal election results

        mean for Ford and Ontario politics

        The  failure  of  Erin  O'Toole's   The  opposition  parties  see  the
        Conservative  Party  to  make  its   results as evidence that Ford was   In last week’s federal election, Justin Trudeau’s Liberals
        hoped-for  breakthrough  in   unable to help O'Toole in Ontario   won 78 of 121 Ontario seats, compared to 37 for
        Ontario in the federal election is by   b e c a u s e   h e   i s   p e r s o n a l l y   Erin O’Toole’s Conservatives, five for Jagmeet Singh’s
        no means any guarantee that voters   unpopular.  The Ontario PCs reject   New Democrats, and one for the Green Party.
        will reject Premier Doug Ford and   that notion, saying Ford's polling   That compares to 76 of 124 provincial seats for
        his  Progressive  Conservatives  in   numbers  have  actually  improved   Doug Ford’s Tories in the June 2018 election.
        the  provincial election  that's  just   over the summer and that he stayed   Andrea Horwath’s New Democrats won 40 while
        eight months away.            out  of  the  federal  campaign  to   the Liberals, now led by Steven Del Duca, took
        The  provincial  parties  are   concentrate  on  the  job  of   seven, and Mike Schreiner’s Greens won one.
        analyzing the results of the federal   governing the province.
        vote  and  trying  to  figure  out  the   If history is the key indication, it's   government  happens  to  be  in   voters  view  the  federal  and   was hiding, it doesn't mean he was
        implications  for  Ontario  politics.   Steven Del Duca and the Ontario   power  a  majority  just  because  of   provincial  parties  differently  and   not at work. Don't be surprised if
        CBC News granted anonymity for   Liberals  who  should  be  the  least   the pandemic.   ventures  that  Horwath  is  well   t h e  p re m i e r  h o l d s  a  n e w s
        this  story  to  senior  officials  from   excited about last night's result.   One could also see the results in the   positioned  to  take  a  run  at  Ford   conference  on  Wednesday,  as
        the  PCs,  the  Ontario  NDP  and   In the past 57 years, there has only   ring  of  seats  around  Toronto,   next June.   Ontario's  proof  of  vaccination
        provincial  Liberals  so  they  could   been  one  occasion  where  an   where  Ontario  elections  are  won   The NDP is going into the race with   program kicks in.
        speak freely about strategy.  Ontario party formed government   and lost, as bad news for the PCs.   more  incumbents  to  build  on,  a   One  issue  that  requires  quick
        While top strategists from all the   in the next election after a win by   The Liberals took nearly 47 per cent   stronger  pool  of  candidates,  and   attention  from  Ford  now  that
        main  provincial  parties  insist  it   their federal political counterparts.   of the popular vote in those ridings   the  accomplishment  of  having   Justin Trudeau has been re-elected
        wo u l d   b e  u n w i s e  t o  d r a w   The sole exception was 2003, when   and O'Toole's party failed to gain   persuaded  nearly  2  million   is child care. Ontario is one of only
        straightforward conclusions about   Dalton  McGuinty's  Liberals  won   ground  there  even  though  he   Ontarians  to  vote  for  them  last   two provinces (along with Alberta)
        the Ontario vote from the federal   the  provincial  election  that   represents  the  905  riding  of   time, the official says.   that have not yet signed on to the
        vote, they do say there are lessons   followed  Jean  Chretien's  federal   Durham.     The  senior  New  Democrat  also   federal  Liberals'  child-care
        to be learned.                Liberal victory in 2000.     Yet a senior PC strategist I spoke   claims the PCs are "hoping that the   program.
        One thing is clear for all the parties:   Despite that long-running Ontario   with  Tuesday  claims  not  to  be   pandemic will be far enough in the   Provincial government officials say
        a  key  element  in  their  path  to   political  paradox,  provincial   worried at all.  rearview  mirror  that  people  will   they believe a deal can be reached
        victory next June will be wooing a   Liberals  argue  the  federal  results   The  strategist  says  O'Toole's   forget  about  how  badly  Ford   with  the  federal  government  on
        significant chunk of those people   are a good sign for their party.   Conservatives were hurt in the 905   screwed things up."  child  care  that  will  be  good  for
        who voted Liberal on Monday.   They say it shows the strength of   by  his  positions  on  COVID-19   The  provincial  NDP  will  be   Ontario.
        Just as none of the federal parties   the Liberal brand in the province   vaccinations. The strategist argues   engaged  in  a  pitched  battle  with   Ford  issued  a  statement  Tuesday
        got what they really wanted out of   and  they  say  a  team  of  70-plus   that  Ford's  recent  COVID-19   the Liberals to convince anti-Ford   that  congratulated  Trudeau  and
        election night, none of the Ontario   Liberal MPs means on-the-ground   policies — bringing in a proof-of-  voters  that  their  leader  has  the   aimed to strike a conciliatory tone.
        parties  should  be  dancing  in  the   organizational  support  for  the   vaccination program, requiring all   skills to steer Ontario through the   "For  many,  this  has  been  an
        streets over the results.     provincial  campaign  in  many   his  candidates  to  get  vaccinated,   post-pandemic  future,  trying  to   extremely  difficult  and  divisive
        Across  Ontario,  the  Liberals won   target ridings.      and  booting  the  one  MPP  who   pitch themselves as the competent   election and  I would  like  to  take
        78 seats, the Conservatives in 37,   T h e   N e w   D e m o c r a t s   a n d   refused — have greater appeal to   and responsible alternative.    this  opportunity  to  urge  unity,"
        the NDP in 5 and the Greens in 1.   Progressive Conservatives see that   those voters.   Ford  all  but  disappeared  from   Ford said.
        The popular vote in Ontario broke   as wishful thinking on the part of   As  for  Andrea  Horwath  and  her   public  view  for  the  past  eight   On  election  day  next  June  2,
        down this way:                the Liberals.                Ontario NDP, seeing their federal   weeks. He has held just one news   Ontario parties will need 63 seats
        • Liberals 38.9%              For  Ford's  incumbent  PCs,  the   counterparts win just five seats in   conference since the end of July.   to win a majority. In 2018, the PCs
        • Conservatives 35.1%         result is another piece of evidence   t h e   p r o v i n c e   h a s   t o   b e   Although  the  opposition  parties   won 76 seats, but through a mix of
        • NDP 17.8%                   (along  with  last  month's  Nova   demoralizing.         p o u n c e d   o n   t h a t   a n d   t h e   ejecting people from caucus and a
        • People's Party 5.6%         Scotia election) that voters are not    Despite  that,  a  senior  provincial   prorogation  of  the  Legislature   defection, their current tally in the
        • Green Party 2.2%            simply going to hand whatever   New Democrat insists Ontario   until Oct. 4 as evidence that Ford   Legislature is 70.           - Mike Crawley

        Pickering wants a new hospital and here's why

        The  City  of  Pickering  has  hired                                                                                 He said this hospital could be the
        consultants  to  put  the  city’s  best                                                                              starting-off  point  for  more
        foot  forward  in  the  bid  to  host                                                 Pickering is proposing a hospital on land   development in the area, which is
        Durham’s next hospital.                                                             located near Salem Road and Highway 407.  considered ‘whitebelt lands'- land
        At  a  special  council  meeting  on                                                   “It is somewhat centrally located but at   between  the  Greenbelt  and
        Aug. 30, councillors unanimously                                                           the same time it’s adjacent to the   developed areas.
        approved proposals submitted by                                                               Seaton development, which is   “This proposal should be rejected
        consultants  HOK  and  Deloitte                                                                 the largest development in   outright today,” Pothen said.
        LLP.  For  a  cost  of  $316,880,  the                                                         Durham Region with 70,000   The competition:
        fi r m s  w i l l   r e s p o n d   t o  t h e                                                 residents moving in and we’re   Oshawa
        anticipated  request  for  proposals                                                             well underway with that,"   Oshawa is proposing the hospital
        for  a  new  hospital  by  Lakeridge                                                           explained Mayor Dave Ryan.  be located on the northerly portion
        Health. The North East Pickering                                                                                     of Oshawa's Major Urban Area (the
        Landowners Group Inc. (NEPLG)                                                                                        exact location hasn’t been revealed
        will fund 50 per cent of it.                                                               Mayor Dave Ryan next to a map of   yet).
        What's the proposal?                                                                         Seaton Development, Pickering  Oshawa  argues  it  is  centrally
        Pickering  is  proposing a  hospital                                                                                 l o c a t e d   f o r   a l l   D u r h a m
        on land located near Salem Road                                                                                      municipalities and it’s located near
        and Highway 407.                                                                                                     Hwy. 407.
        “It  is  somewhat  centrally  located   to  the  region  as  a  whole  and   The location is also near a strong   development on the Duffins Creek   Whitby
        but at the same time it’s adjacent to   specifically for Pickering."  labour  force  in  Pickering  and   wetlands  complex,  which  was   Whitby has slated a 160-acre site in
        the Seaton development, which is   Pickering’s pitch:      beyond.                      approved by the province but later   the  southeast  quadrant,  below
        the  largest  development  in   “The  hospital  is  needed  for  the   What does the public think?  reversed after public outcry.  Hwy.  407,  next  to  Highway  412,
        Durham  Region  with  70,000   region  as  a  whole,”  Ryan  said.   Residents who spoke at the council   He  said  "council  either  has  very   south  of  Winchester  Road  and
        residents moving in and we’re well   “Wherever  it  goes  we’re  very   meeting  see  the  benefit  of  a   limited  short-term  memory  or  is   next to Lakeridge Road.
        underway  with  that,"  explained   pleased for that initiative, but we   hospital, but don't agree with the   choosing to have what I would refer   Whitby argues the proposed site is
        Mayor Dave Ryan.              think Pickering is the best spot for   proposed location.  to as a 'selective memory.'"  located in the heart of Durham and
        The 70-acre site is being donated   it for a number of reasons. We are   “The Salem Road site is not only on   Phil  Pothen, a  land use planning   close to major highways.
        by the NEPLG Inc.             the fastest growing city in Durham   the  Carruthers  Creek  headwaters   and  environmental  lawyer  with   What’s next?
        Ryan said the landowners see it as a   Region  and  the  only  Lakeshore   but is in a Prime Agricultural Area   Environmental  Defence,  said   An independent expert panel will
        contribution  to  the  community   municipality  that  currently  does   according to the  Durham  Region   d e v e l o p i n g   o n   t h i s   recommend  the  location  for  the
        they’re building.             not have a major health care asset.  Official Plan,” resident Mike Borie   “catastrophically poor location" for   hospital  to  the  Lakeridge  Health
        “We have the unanimous support   “We  think  we’re  best  situated  to   told council.  a  hospital would  increase  loss of   board to make a final decision.
        of  Pickering  council  for  this   support the underserved residents   He  compared  the  proposal  to   prime  agricultural  lands,  worsen   The site selection process should
        initiative,"  he  said.  "Council  sees   and  accommodate  the  future   council’s  recent  request  for  a   flooding and erosion and threaten   be completed by the end of 2021.
        this as something that’s beneficial   growth.”              ministerial zoning order to allow   wildlife.
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