Page 4 - DURHAM CITIZEN - SEPT 29TH 2021
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4                                                                                                                                                                                                  September 21, 2021

                                                      Proof of vaccination needed to

                                                      enter TOA recreation facilities

                                                      starting September 22

                                                                       New Town of Ajax ID fast pass for 12 – 17 years old

        The Town of Ajax introduced new   b i r t h d a t e ,   e x c e p t   w h e n                                        ·  Exemptions  based  upon  the
        four step check-in and fast pass ID   participating in organized sport.             “                                Town’s obligations pursuant to the
        system for youth to provide patrons   · Patrons 11 years old and younger   As the Town continues to respond to changing provincial regulations   Ontario Human Rights Code will
        with safe and convenient access      will  not  have  to provide proof of   and health and safety guidelines, we appreciate the community’s   be  considered  on  a  case-by-case
        From  September  22,  proof  of   vaccination.                 understanding and cooperation as we implement this new system.   b a s i s ,   a n d   m a y   r e q u i r e
        vaccination  will  be  required  to    What can patrons expect upon   When visiting our facilities, please be patient and respectful of our   documented confirmation for the
        enter  Town  recreation  facilities   arrival?                 front line customer service staff. The Town is committed to taking   requested exemption.
        and participate in Town recreation   1. Arrive 10 minutes before program   every reasonable precaution to protect the health and safety of staff   · All requirements, exemptions and
        programs as part of Ontario’s new   start time to allow for check-in and   and patrons from the COVID-19 virus.”  – Mayor Shaun Collier  policies  are  subject  to  change
        proof of vaccination system.  health  screening.  Enter  the                                                         based on provincial regulation.
        How  does  this  impact  patrons   building to be checked in.                                                        ·  Ontarians  can  provide  proof  of
        entering our recreation facilities?  2.  Show your vaccination receipt,   NEW TOA ID fast pass for 12 –   your free fast pass, please stop by   immunization by downloading or
        · Patrons 18 years and older must be   either  on  a  mobile  device  or  a   17 years old  the Customer Service Desk at Ajax   printing their vaccine receipt from
        fully vaccinated and provide proof   physical copy.        In  order  to  provide  safe  and   Community  Centre,  McLean   the provincial booking portal, or by
        of  vaccination  and  government   3.  Once  vaccination  status  is   convenient  access  for  youth,   Community  Centre  or  Audley   calling  the  Provincial  Vaccine
        issued  ID  confirming  name  and   verified, a Town of Ajax official  will   patrons 12 - 17 may also request an   Recreation  Centre.  Please  note,   Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900.
        birthdate, to enter the facility.   confirm  the  name  matches   ID  fast  pass  –  a  Town-issued  ID   o n e - t i m e   v e r i fi c a t i o n   o f
        · Patrons 12 - 17 years old must be   government-issued ID.  card  that  will  allow  access  to   government issued ID required to   If you have any questions
        fully vaccinated and provide proof   4.  Once  identification  has  been   recreation facilities without having   receive your fast pass.  regarding registration, please
        of  vaccination  and  government   confirmed, patrons can proceed to   to  show  proof  of  government   ·  Medical  Exemptions  must   contact
        issued  ID  confirming  name  and   their program           issued ID on each visit. To receive   provide proof of a doctor’s note.

        Everything to know about                                                                       N New grant program
                                                                                                       New grant program
        Ontario's Vaccine Certificates                                                                  s supporting community-
                                                                                                       supporting community-
                                                                                                       based anti-racism and
        As of September 22, Ontario vaccine                        vaccination, which you can either
        certificates will officially come into                        print  out  or  store  on  a  device  by   b based anti-racism and
        effect  across  the  province.  This                        visiting  the  Ontario  booking
                                                                                                       anti-hate initiatives
        means  that  residents  will  need  to                     portal.
        show proof of vaccination to get into                      The government states that "those   a anti-hate initiatives
        multiple  establishments  including                        who need support obtaining a copy
        restaurants and gyms.                                      of  their  vaccination  receipt
        Here’s what you need to know about                         including those who do  not  have
        the new certificates.                                       access to a computer or printer can                         TORONTO — The
        Where  do  I  need  to  show  my                           call the Provincial Vaccine Contact                         Ontario government is
        vaccine certificate?                                        Centre at 1-833-943-3900."                                  helping protect
        T h e   O n t a r i o   g o v e r n m e n t                However,  by  October  22,  the                             communities against
        announced that residents will need                         government  plans  to  release  an                          racism and hate through
        to be fully vaccinated for at least 14                     app.  Once  it  launches,  residents                        the province’s new $1.6
        days  before  being  able  to  enter                       will be able to download a QR code                          million Anti-Racism Anti-
        multiple indoor establishments.                            that they will then be able to use as                       Hate Grant Program.
        These spaces include:                                      their vaccine certificate.                                   Eligible organizations,
        • any indoor spaces for concerts, cinema, theatres  How long will vaccine certificates last?                            including community-
        •  indoor  restaurants,  bars  and  other  food   The  Ontario  government  has  stated  that  vaccine                 based, not-for-profit
        establishments                              certificates are only a temporary measure. However,   organizations, can apply for grants of $40,000 over two
        • indoor and outdoor spots with dancing like night   they do not give a timeline on how long they will be in   years for independent projects, or $100,000 over two years
        clubs and restoclubs                        place. "How long they are necessary will be monitored   for partnerships between two or more organizations.
        • indoor areas of horse racing tracks, car racing tracks  and evaluated  based on data and  the advice of  the   "Recent events, such as the horrific Islamophobic attack in
        • commercial film and tv studios with live audiences   Chief Medical Officer of Health," read a statement.  London, and the rise in anti-Asian hate and antisemitism
        indoors                                     What do I do if I'm just visiting the province?    continue to remind us that racism cannot simply be
        • indoor waterparks                         The  Ontario government states  that anyone who  is   relegated to Canada’s history books," said Parm Gill,
        • indoor sporting events with spectators    visiting the province from another province or country   Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism and Minister
        • casinos, bingo halls, gaming establishments  will  still  be  required  to  show  their  full  vaccination   Responsible for Anti-Racism. "By empowering those on the
        •  indoor  areas  for  sports  and  recreational  fitness,   status when entering listed establishments.  frontlines of tackling hate in our communities, we can
        including, personal fitness training         At the moment, the government is working to "provide   make significant progress in stamping out hate in all its
        • convention centres, banquet halls, conferences, and   additional tools to improve user experience, efficiency,   forms."
        other meeting spaces                        and business supports in the coming weeks, including   Developed collaboratively with community partners across
        • strip clubs, bathhouses and sex clubs.    ensuring verification of  fully vaccinated  individuals   Ontario, the Anti-Racism Anti-Hate Grant supports
        However,  spots  like  grocery  stores,  medical  care   from outside of province or country.”  community-led initiatives that will help build capacity,
        locations and funeral and wedding services will not   How will businesses enforce them?        connect communities and deepen understanding to
        require  you  to  show  proof  of  vaccination.  (Yet   All businesses and organizations will be required to   address the impacts of racism and hate.
        gatherings  following  weddings  and  funerals  will   ensure that customers provide proof of   The following organizations are eligible to apply for
        require you to be vaccinated, such as receptions.)  vaccination and an ID before entering the premises.  funding:
        Currently, there is a list of reasons why residents will   Businesses will have to ensure that the name and date   * Community-based, not-for-profit organizations
        not have to show proof of vaccination when heading   of birth that is listed on the vaccination receipt is the   * First Nations   * Tribal Councils
        into  these  settings,  including  using  the  washroom,   same as that on the piece of identification. On top of   * Provincial Territorial Organizations
        paying  for  an  order,  making  a  retail  purchase  and   this, they will also have to verify that the customer's   * Indigenous not-for-profit organizations.
        more.                                       second dose was administered at least 14 days prior.  A simplified application process makes it easy for
        How do I get my vaccine certificate?         The Ontario government states that in the event that   organizations to access information quickly and apply
        Starting on September 22, residents will have to show   there is harassment or threats of violence over these   easily. Interested organizations should submit their
        proof of vaccination, along with a piece of government   new changes, law enforcement should be called to the   application no later than November 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.,
        ID  (such  as  a  driver's  licence  or  passport)  before   business.                         Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). More information about
        entering an establishment where a vaccine certificate   Individuals or businesses who do not follow these rules   eligibility, application requirements and how to apply can
        is required.                                can  be  charged  and  fined  under  the  Reopening   be found on our website.
        Right now, you can download a PDF of your proof of   Ontario Act.
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