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P. 15     June 21, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15

                 “       Do You Know Someone Retiring in 2021 and Can Use The Advice of a 32 Year Experienced Retirement Specialist?   MONEY
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        Canadians  who  are  motivated  to
        achieve  financial  wellness  or
        independence  must  climb  the   Climbing the Stairwell
        required  sequential  steps,
        regardless of their current age and
        or financial status. The process of
        climbing  the  stairwell  should  be   to Financial Wellness…
        systematic, structured, organized,
        and measurable.
        Financial  Uncertainty:  Sadly,
        COVID-19  created  a  health
        mayhem  here  in  Canada,  which   waiting around for your financial   encourage  them  to  increase  their
        triggered an unprepared calamity   advisor to contact you, simply does   knowledge  and  become  more
        and although we did comparatively   not  work  anymore;  advisors  are   financially  confident.  Thankfully,
        well,  when  compared  to  other   asking their investors to maintain a   there are adequate online services
        countries,  such  as  the  USA  and   keen sense of intuition and ensure   on  becoming  more  financially
        India; COVID-19 spurred corelated   they  are  kept  aware  of  what  is   confident;  simply  google  search;
        problems;  it  created  a  dangerous   happening  around  them  with   ‘gaining financial confidence’.
        state of Financial Uncertainty.  respect  to  their  money  and  the   Financial  Liberty:  Can  you
        Canadians  lost  confidence,   capital  markets.  Now,  intuition   i m a g i n e   t h e   fi n a n c i a l
        became  more  money  conscious,   propelling risk is not necessarily a   independence of winning millions
        restricted  cash-flow  which   bad  thing,  however,  calculating   in  a  lottery?  Well,  the  odds  of
        prompted a halt in spending and   and or mitigating risk is possible as   winning  a  major  national  lottery
        unfortunately, investing. However,   we all become more aware of what   range from 1 in 14 million to 1 in 33
        everyone is now fast-tracking their   is working and what is not.  million.  The  only  financial
        recovery and we have the ability to   Awareness  is  no  longer  solely  an   independence I am aware of, is the
        fully recover. Remember; we need   advisors  job,  advisors  must  help   one you create, work diligently at   leaving assets to your beneficiaries   suspended.
        cash-flow  and  spending  to  bring   their  clients  stay  apprised  of  the   and control. One of the benefits of   can have favorable tax advantages.   Join us for the next session
        our economy back to pre-COVID   economic  landscape,  educate   creating  a  financial  plan  or   Over and above, our clients do not
        levels.                       them to become more intuitive and   roadmap  is  regaining  critical   have to die to have their children
        Avoiding Financial Pitfalls: It is   achieve and maintain a high level   financial control.  benefit;  we  have  products  which   For more info; email me at:
        extremely  easy  to  be  derailed   of awareness. This is critical and a   Financial  Achievement:  You   make this possible right now, while or visit
        without  realizing  it,  hence,  the   necessary exercise for everyone.  have made it; you are now entering   you’re alive and can witness the joy   us at:
        reason  to  work  with  a  financial   Financial  Foundation:  Do  you   the  final  stages  of  your  lives  and   your legacy and generosity brings…  and share/like at
        advisor  who  has  seen  market   have a Financial Plan? A Financial   have achieved your goals, the goals   As  we  wrap  up  this  article  on
        uncertainty,  understand  financial   Plan is the corner-stone or concrete   in which you meticulously planned   ‘Climbing  The  Stairwell  to   retireritelifestylesolutions.
        pitfalls  and  have  the  roadmap  to   foundation of your financial lives.   for  25-30  years.  Now  what?   Financial  Wellness’,  we  have  to   To learn more about elevating
        avoiding pitfalls and the skillset to   It  will  provide  a  roadmap  to   Maintenance  and  jurisprudence   remind  ourselves  to  be  more   your retirement, go to:
        reverse any negative effects. In all   achieving  your  goals,  however,   are more than necessary, as we still   diligent, be more aware, take-back
        honesty,  people  do  not  go  about   most  importantly  it  lays  out  the   have  20-25  years  to  live  after   and  maintain  self-controlled
        looking  for  pitfalls,  it  happens   preferred pathway, allowing you to   turning 65. One of the strategies we   management  of  your  financial
        naturally. As an example, investors   not  only  be  apprised  of  your   implement in my financial practice   lives. Remember, pitfalls are always   Riyad K Mohammed
        relying  on  an  8%  fixed  rate  of   financial life, but empowers you to   with our retired clients, is to ensure   lurking  in  the  dark  waiting  to   FA; PWA; RMS
        return for the next 25-30 years is a   grab the bull by the horn and take   they have a sizeable portion of your   pounce, so, do not let your guard   Advanced CaseSpecialist/
        financial  pitfall.  Why?  If  you  are   control of your financial lives  funds  invested,  in  order  to  keep   down; ever!  Financial Advisor
        banking  on  your  retirement   Financial Confidence: The ONLY   their portfolios growing.  Are  you  interested  in  attended  a   The Money Café Corp
        portfolio generating an 8% rate of   way  to  gain  confidence  is  to   Financial Legacy: More and more   F R E E ,   F i n a n c i a l   L i t e r a c y   1-813 Dundas Street W
        return, will be sorely disappointed   increase your knowledge base, via a   Canadians  are  leaving  financial   Workshop?  The  Money  Café  has   Whitby; On; L1N 2N6
        a n d   w i l l   1 0 0 %   d e ra i l   yo u r   Financial  Literacy  Course  or   legacies  for  their  children  and   been  hosting  virtual  workshops   C: 647.554.2307
        retirement.  The  income  you   Workshop. I am going to refer to an   grandchildren  with  the  intention   and as much as we are not yet out of   E:
        perceived, will sadly, not be there.  earlier  point,  today’s  consumers   of making their financially lives a   the  woods  with  COVID-19,  the
        Financial Intuition: The days of   c a n n o t  wa i t  o n  a nyo n e  to   bit less stressful and in some cases,   need  for  education  cannot  be   W:

                                                                   Amazon's new network will

                                                                   share your Wi-Fi with

                                                                   neighbours unless you opt out

        Amazon is raising security                         Users of the devices                 Ring Security Cams and customer   newer); Echo Plus; Echo Spot;
        concerns due to an upcoming                     Echo, Echo Show, and                    support can still troubleshoot   Echo Studio; Echo Input; Echo
        plan that automatically enrolls             Ring doorbells will have the                problems even if your devices lose   Flex; Ring Floodlight Camera
        users of its devices into Sidewalk,   option to turn off Sidewalk.                       their Wi-Fi connection. Sidewalk   (2019); Ring Spotlight Cam Wired
        a program which will share your   However, the device owners must    “                  can also extend the working range   (2019); and Ring Spotlight Cam
        Wi-Fi connection with your    choose to opt out of Sidewalk,                            for your Sidewalk-enabled     Mount (2019).
        neighbors unless you opt out.  otherwise Amazon will          The tech giant claims     devices, such as Ring smart lights,   Tile, which makes tracking
        The Sidewalk network shares "a   automatically enroll its customers   Sidewalk, a program which   pet locators or smart locks, so   devices for misplaced items using
        small portion of your internet   into the service.           will share your Wi-Fi      they can stay connected and   Bluetooth, will reportedly join
        bandwidth which is pooled     Ring owners can opt out by                                continue to work over longer   Amazon Sidewalk on June 14.
                                                                     connection with your
        together to provide these services   visiting the control center in the                 distances. Amazon does not    Sidewalk will also strengthen the
                                                                     neighbours unless you opt
        to you and your neighbors,"   Ring app or Ring website.                                 charge any fees to join Sidewalk."  ability to locate items in-home by
                                                                     out will feature "multiple
        according to a description on   Customers with an Echo device                           The list of devices supported on   incorporating Alexa.
        Amazon's website. "And when   can remove the service by going to   layers of encryption" for   Sidewalk are Echo Show; Echo   Another partner will be
        more neighbors participate, the   settings in the Alexa app.  added privacy and security   (third generation and newer);   CareBrand, a manufacturer of
        network becomes even stronger."  Amazon encouraged users to take   for personal information.   Echo Dot (third generation and   wearable technology for people
        The program, which was        advantage of Sidewalk. "Amazon   The company also noted   newer); Echo Dot for Kids (third   living with dementia.
        originally announced in 2019, goes   Sidewalk helps your devices get                    generation and newer); Echo Dot
        online on June 8. The tech giant   connected and stay connected.   that all data shared is   with Clock (third generation and   -
        claims Sidewalk will feature   For example, if your Echo device   automatically deleted
        "multiple layers of encryption" for   loses its Wi-Fi connection,   every 24 hours.
        added privacy and security for   Sidewalk can simplify
        personal information. The     reconnecting to your router,"
        company also noted that all data   Amazon wrote. "For select Ring
        shared is automatically deleted   devices, you can continue to
        every 24 hours.               receive motion alerts from your
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