Page 3 - Vol 2 Winter 2020 Coop newsletter
P. 3

R.I.S.E. In Action

           C:\Users\hammg\Desktop\Station Rota-
           tion_ Differentiating Instruction to Reach
           All S4

           From Edutopia: (5:15). This video illustrates differentiating in-  This video (4.32) is great for setting up learning stations for
           struction by student and learning modality within learning sta-  7th and 8th students along with some helpful tips on stu-

           tions.                                                  dent accountability.

             (6:47) This short video shows one way to use Greek & Latin roots in vo-  (0:41) This very short video illustrates how to create a vo-

           cabulary instruction. There is a lot here,  so this may be best taken in   cabulary word tree using root words, prefixes and suffixes.

           This video (5:47)  discusses the need to  focus on vocabulary in   This video (1:39)  illustrates the use of a science word wall
           reading within the core subject areas. This video showcases a   that is student friendly and helps students lean academic
           high school social studies class.                      terms.
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