Page 4 - Vol 2 Winter 2020 Coop newsletter
P. 4
The Teacher Toolbox
This page shares some of the greatest in teacher resources.
Explore and have fun!
Have fun designing a host of different products includ- An easy way to keep track of your formative assessments in the
ing posters, CD covers, book covers and more. Free. classroom. Check it out. It’s Free.
One of the best blog sites ever. It is chock full of resources
Have fun creating interactive slides for your presenta- for teachers. You will want to subscribe. Free.
tions that allow you to imbed formative feedback right
into the slide. This is a great Google add-on. Free.
Cult of Pedagogy
Have a handout, worksheet or graphic organizer you want to jazz up?
Do you want students to be engaged with that list of questions you
want them to find the answers to? Wizerme is an app that makes any
document come to life. Free.
Wizer Me