Page 10 - The Green Entrepreneurs
P. 10


                      THE  C U R RE N T  S T AT E  O F   O U R
                         E N V IRO N M ENT  A N D   T H E
                           SU S T AI NAB L E  F U T U R E

                      n the positive side, the global lockdown resulting from
              O the  COVID-19  led  to  improved  air  quality  due  to
              reduced Carbon Dioxide (C02) emissions and human mobility

              facilitated by a stay-at-home policy; but how sustainable were
              these effects in the long term?

              The United in Science 2020 presents a unified assessment of our

              Earth  system,  detailing  how  emissions  evolved  in  2020.  The
              report was compiled by the World Meteorological Organization
              (WMO)  under  the  United  Nations  Secretary-General's

              direction,  bringing  together  experts  from  key  global  partner
              organizations to give an updated brief of the state of the global

              The study shows that the global lockdowns had a significant and
              immediate  impact  on  greenhouse  gas  emissions,  with  daily
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