Page 18 - Practical DF2 Corrected (2)
P. 18
Pharm D Clinical Pharmacy program 2024-2025 Level 2, Semester 2 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms II (PT 405)
• Definition: They are white, semisolid preparations, often medicated, intended
for external application to the skin and mucous membranes.
• They are less viscous than ointments and may be either o/w (aqueous creams)
or w/o type (oily creams).
• The various emulsifying agents used in the preparation of creams may
involve incompatibility and these must be considered in formulation.
• It must also be remembered that certain medicaments are unstable in the
presence of water, and that emulsions systems are liable to instability.
• They are classified into different types of products having characteristics as
determined by their function.
• However, the cosmetic creams are divided into two broad classes according
to emulsion function in it:
Emulsion function Examples
1 The emulsion primarily defines the
- Emollient (cold) creams.
performance of the product - Vanishing creams.
- Cleansing creams.
2 The emulsion serves as a vehicle for - Hand creams.
an active principle which in turn - Shaving creams.
determines the performance of the - Foundation creams.
cream - Hair dressing creams.
- Sunscreen creams.
- Antiperspirant creams.
- Nourishing creams.
- Make up creams.