Page 71 - Practical DF2 Corrected (2)
P. 71

Pharm D Clinical Pharmacy program 2024-2025  Level 2, Semester 2  Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms II (PT 405)

Method of preparation (by fusion method):

1. Finely powder sulfur in a morter.

2. Levigate sulfur with liquid paraffin.

3. Put beeswax & white soft paraffin in a dish and melt it on water bath.

4. Transfer the melted base to the contents in the morter and levigate till cold


5. Transfer to wide mouthed screw capped jar and fix the label

1 sulfur                                                               Beeswax
                                                                White soft paraffin


Levigation with liquid paraffin

3 Add the levigated sulfur to melted phase on
                                                 water bath and mix twice

4 Continue trituration on the bench till formation
                                                       of the ointment

o Type of preparation: Ointment.
o Method of preparation: fusion method because the base contains high

    melting points ingredients.
o Liquid paraffin is a levigating agent used to: reduce particle size and make

    smooth dispersion of the material.

Treatment of acne and scabies.

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